Civic Center
Care Instructions

Walking around the garden center at Home Depot I noticed all those little pieces of paper with care instructions in most of the flower pots. Sun or shade, how often to water, how deep in the earth to plant it and what kind of soil. I observed people looking at the information being very animated discussing if that particular bloom or bud would work for their designated garden area.
I began to wonder...what if each of us made our own short list of what we needed to do for ourselves daily to thrive...not just get through the day. Of course, the challenging part is to follow it. I do think we deserve as much care and love as we give our flowers.
Well Street
Very good point—we do deserve at least as much care and love as a garden does.
My "daily thrive" list would start with kind and supportive inner dialogue.
So true! I never thought about that, but now that you mention it, I'm thinking even clothes and pots and pans, or tools—in fact, almost everything comes with some form of care instructions.
I'll have to give some deep thought to what my personal instructions might be and report back.