Shifting Views


Life lessons reveal themselves in such surprising ways. Recently I had horizontal blinds installed in my dining room to replace the existing vertical ones. I gave no thought to how the new view from the windows would change so radically. Everything I saw now was different, the angle, the width, the distance and even the height depending on how I consciously tilted the blinds...more open or closed, raising the blind higher or keeping it low. I could see more of what was in front of my house, a continuity and flow, without the view being chopped up and distorted by a vertical blind. I was surprised to notice I felt more connected to the world outside. At the same time, the space inside felt larger and looked brighter. I was so fascinated with this new scene I just sat down at the dining room table so I could take in what was in front of my eyes.

While sitting there I realized that life was giving me a gift. It was presenting me with an unanticipated opportunity to learn something about myself. I wondered what could happen if I purposefully looked at relationships, events, conversations and tasks from a different point of view. I think it's easy to get stuck seeing ourselves, others and the world one way. It takes courage, humility and vulnerability to be willing to change views. I wonder how my attitude would change if I approached each day being open to the possibility there is another view that is wanting to be revealed? I'll see as I put this new behavior into practice.


I love this! Such a cool insight inspired by, of all things, window blinds! You do live up to your city name—only someone who stays present would glimpse a new perspective from something so mundane. Of course you’ll put the new behavior into practice, and those who read your lesson will be out shopping for horizontal blinds.

Well Street

I'm now seeing my vertical blinds as something more than just a pain in the butt to clean.

Consistently viewing ourselves, others, and the world around us in a more positive light is the overarching theme of nearly every self-help book on the market.

Present Valley, I'm very curious to know how you might advise someone to begin the process of turning their perspective around to one that's more rooted in appreciation and compassion.

Present Valley

Great question Well Street. I don't really have advise...just a lived experience.

I started by asking myself these two questions over and over in my journal and meditation:
What kind of person did I want to be?
Did I believe the universe is for me or against me?

Then I came up with this daily plan of action:

Take time each morning to set my intention for the day
Be as present as I can
Practice humility
Express empathy
Say thank you at every opportunity
Check in with my thoughts throughout the day to find out if they are heart centered or head centered.


Thank you for detailing your proposed practice. I actually took a screenshot so I can refer to it regularly. And I have a whole new appreciation for vertical blinds 😊