Civic Center

Who doesn't experience challenges? We all do. They are life’s speed bumps. They show up when you least expect them. And they definitely slow us down. But look back at all the challenges you've ever had. Have you not grown from each one? Have you not become stronger? Do you now look back and think, "Wow, if it hadn't been for that, I wouldn't be enjoying this today!"
Challenges interrupt our days, maybe even our months. But they all pass, because that's what life does, isn't it? It passes.
So if you're faced with a challenge today, and you feel down and unable to face the day, get up anyway. Look Challenge in the eye, and say, "Bring it on. I’m going to get through it, and BEcome stronger for it!"
That's great advice! I can't remember a challenge that wasn't a growth experience. Like them or not, they are almost always advantageous in the long run.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement. It's also the truth.