Civic Center
"I have a feeling I should..."

Has that ever happened to you? Where a feeling rushes over you like some kind of warning? It does to everyone. You're about to say or do something, but there's a little, nagging feeling inside fighting you. Do you pay attention, or do you do it anyway?
That little feeling inside of you, that unidentifiable "thing" you feel in your gut, is a guide of sorts; like an internal GPS. It lets you know if you should proceed with something or back off.
But what happens in most cases? You feel the feeling, and you rationalize yourself out of it. It usually ends up backfiring. I can already hear you saying, "I had a feeling I shouldn't have gone to the movies last night. The projector broke and we all had to leave." Yeah, that feeling is usually right on target.
Next time you have to make a decision about something, sit still. Does it feel absolutely right, or is there something inside of you, whispering, "No, no, no?"
Pay close attention. You will be glad you did.
You are so right! When I'm faced with having something I feel I should do, but internally I'm feeling a pushback, I use Youtropolis' Tribal Wave poll to get additional intuition from my tribe and alliances. It's very helpful.
It's great to have Youtropolis as a support system! Sometimes it's hard to trust what we feel.
Well Street
I've become far less dismissive when I get a feeling that I should or shouldn't do something.
I found that regarding those feelings as messages to be paid attention has boosted my awareness of them.
I can say that I am at a point right now where I am very in tune with my instincts and follow them as best I can. They have never let me down! We all just need to keep practicing and trusting. And if we need a little additional validation, then we know to whom to reach out!
This is a great reminder!
People of all ages have an internal warning system, but more often than not it gets overruled by the voices of convention, obligation, accommodation, responsibility, and FOMO.
Going along with what everyone else wants is convenient and may even seem logical, but it may not be the right thing to do. Which is why I also use Tribal Wave to gain insight when I'm conflicted about an important decision.
The Tribal Wave is great. You are so right, we may feel our instinct telling us one thing but have so many other pressures pushing us in another direction. I'm learning more and more that we shouldn't rationalize or talk ourselves out of feelings!