Civic Center
You CAN Do More Than You Think You CAN!

Several years back, my youngest brother told me that he loved a painting called The Nightmare by Henry Fuseli (1781). He asked me to paint it for him. I looked at him as though he had stones for brains. After all, I hadn’t been painting long, and that painting looked really difficult. It wasn’t a simple little landscape. It had a lot of different components (i.e. weird creatures, a person in a prone positions, furniture, etc.).
Initially, I said no. I knew I couldn’t do it. I was not, nor am I now, a professional painter. He didn’t give up, however; he continued to encourage me. I decided I would try it. What did I have to lose? If it turned out badly, I’d simply throw away the canvas, and get rid of the evidence that pointed to what a bad artist I really was.
The next day, I started the project. It was painstakingly slow. I had to sketch it first, and it took multiple attempts until I was satisfied enough to start painting.
I worked on it every day, a little here, a little there. Soon, the painting started to emerge. I was shocked. No, it wasn’t the original by any means, but it would do. Everyone who saw it was surprised that I’d been able to pull it off.
When I finally signed it, put the final coat of varnish, and took a picture, I was stunned.
There was no way I could have painted that. No way! Yet I had. Was I possessed? More than likely, no.
I had doubted myself. But once I let go and said, “I’m going to give it a try. What’s the worst that can happen?” I released my fears, and was able to execute something great.
I think it is like that with all of us. We CAN do more than we think we CAN.
You have to let go of the fear, the inhibitions and the fear of failure.
Try it with something you want to do. Whatever it is. Let go and see what happens.
Well that's a big wow! How inspiring. It's not easy to paint like that. You're not just a talent, you're proof that whatever we set our mind to do regardless of level of challenge, it can be done! And how lucky you were to have a brother who not only believed in your talent but wanted a piece of it for himself.
I agree. Ru believed in me when I didn't. That happened when I painted a portrait of my friend and her husband, which hangs in their bedroom today. That was a miracle if there ever was one.
This is an awesome painting. It must have been mind-blowing when you realized you actually did it despite your misgivings. It's a good lesson that we really can do more than we think we can.
It was mind-blowing. I don't know where I would start if I had to paint it again!
Well Street
So much to be proud of here—the quality of your work, your willingness to put forth the effort, and the joy your brother must have felt from receiving this gift.
Thank you! On a visit to South Carolina, I went to visit him at his house and saw the painting hanging on the wall. Looking at it after years of not seeing it, I still couldn't believe I'd painted it!