I'm glad I happened upon a post of Zoe Erianna, a talented and charismatic little girl who puts smiles on many faces.
Most people would…
Listening to a podcast recently, I learned that many plastic cooking utensils are made from recycled electronics containing toxic chemicals…
Like many fitness enthusiasts, protein smoothies have been part of my diet for many years. Adequate protein intake helps to maintain and build…
Imagine that you’re curious to learn more about your family tree, and as millions have done, send a saliva sample to an ancestry company. However…
Florida’s orange growers and the orange juice industry have a problem, and it’s called Huanglongbing, or HLB. An incurable bacterial disease…
Polysorbate 80, guar gum, carboxymethylcellulose, and carrageenan aren’t words heard in everyday life, but depending on your diet, you may be…
It was a typical Friday evening on Interstate 10 in Los Angeles. Traffic was bumper-to-bumper, moving intermittently at 5 miles per hour. I needed…
Findings from a global analysis in Nature Medicine have found that sugary drink consumption is responsible for millions of new diabetes and heart…
I’ve written previously about the Body Mass Index, or BMI, a measurement system healthcare providers use to assess risk for health conditions…
In 1919, it was discovered that Vitamin D cured rickets, a childhood bone disease that stunted growth and caused various orthopedic issues. In…
For years, the negative impacts of bullying weren’t given much thought and were perceived by some as a normal part of childhood. Fortunately, some…
The World Happiness Report, a publication ranking countries’ happiness levels, has released its annual findings, and the US is heading in the…
A Biden administration program known as “Cancer Moonshot” is an initiative working toward the elimination of all cancers. A step toward reaching…
With the recent spread of E. Coli from onions on McDonald's burgers and the bird flu virus in raw milk, it's vitally important to know which foods…
I've recently become more interested in chemical-free and sustainably manufactured personal care, household, and clothing products. Tom's of Maine…
Dr. Jeremey London is a cardiovascular surgeon who sees plenty of damaged hearts and clogged arteries on his operating table. In this article from…
Great news, unless you're a tobacco farmer or work for a tobacco company—the rate of teen smoking in the US has dropped to the lowest levels in 25…
The link between digital content consumption and poor mental health continues to strengthen with alarming survey results.
A recent poll…
Based on consumer taste tests, tap water frequently scores higher than bottled water, and many brands, including Dasani and Aquafina (owned by…
Long touted as a healthy alternative to sitting at a computer, stand-up desks have grown in popularity in offices and schools worldwide. However,…
The notoriety surrounding The Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” has been around topics like abortion rights, immigration, energy, and education…
It's estimated that 3 million tons of food are thrown out annually which stems from confusion over "sell by" dates on food packaging. According to…
School attendance numbers in the US have never been stellar, and the Pandemic made the situation far worse. To this day, absenteeism remains…
The number of female physicians in the US has steadily grown over the last 50 years. The Women Physicians Congress of the American Medical…
It may be a loved one who passes on or an intimate partnership that ends, but grief invariably follows as it's part of the human experience…
“The passage of this bill could cost schools and families money, limit choice and access, and create consumer confusion.” This was a stereotypical…
The Neighborhood Congregational Church in Laguna Beach, CA, hopes to spread love by creating affordable housing, thanks to a new state law called…
Improved brain, heart, and bone health, and a decreased risk of injury-related falls are just a few benefits of building physical strength. Here's…
Recently, I've received text messages like, "Hi, this is Vivian from Dynamic Job Recruiting. Are you looking for high-paying work?" and the…
When a news report mentions "closed-door negotiations in Washington," images of nefarious dealings between monolithic corporations and…
Who among us hasn’t experienced waves of drowsiness and low energy while sitting through a lecture or at a computer screen?
To keep their…
Novelist and literary scholar C.S. Lewis on the risk of love:
"There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love…
There are currently over 103,000 people on the National Transplant Waitlist. "Directed donation" is when a family knows a person on the Waitlist…
A 2013 study found that mechanics quoted women higher prices if they appeared uninformed about their cars. Smog shop owner and mechanic Angie…
A 15-year study has revealed that portions of our brains grow larger during the warm summer months. Scientists theorize barometric pressure (the…
This is a question researchers have been trying to answer since the days of ancient Greece. As someone who rarely remembers dreams, I envied…
In elementary school, we were taught how the moon's gravitational pull impacts our oceans' tides. Many scientists are now investigating if and how…
When we hear about environmental factors that negatively affect our health, microplastics and PFAS (forever chemicals) get a lot of press…
It's estimated about 1% of the world's population stutters, though about 5% of children go through a period of stuttering. A summer camp at…
This sign encourages us to take nothing for granted and feel grateful, making ourselves available to beauty and positivity.
The assassination attempt on the former president is the latest high-profile shooting committed by a young man. The list of such incidents…
Bromine, Red 40, propylparaben, and BHT are just a few of the common additives in popular foods in the US but are banned or highly restricted in…
When Melanie Harper lost her wedding ring in a bin at a local recycling center, she didn't expect to see it again. Finding it would be a classic "…
Aside from tasting great, consuming olive oil brings a host of well-documented health benefits. However, the health and production of olives…
Hot In The City, Heat Wave, and Here Comes The Sun are just a few song titles that come to mind when I hear about the scorching temperatures much…
The use of artificial intelligence is hotly debated, with some people and industries believing it will revolutionize our lives while others fear…
Starlink, a satellite company owned by Elon Musk's SpaceX, has brought high-speed internet service to the indigenous Marubo villages in the Amazon…
We can all relate to getting a song stuck in our heads and I wanted to share the one that's been in my brain for a couple of days.
“The world is an incredible place. It's here for you and for you to enjoy, so show up as you. The world needs you as you are.”
To view life…
I drove through a part of Los Angeles called Silverlake a few days ago. It's an area with a lot of character but isn't immune to signs of economic…
Who among us hasn't, at least occasionally, woken in the middle of the night with our brains lit up and ready to ponder anything and everything?…
Have you ever known someone whose belief in themselves and their abilities to achieve are seemingly unshakable? Obstacle course athlete and now…
Many people struggle to drink enough water daily, but a water bottle can be an effective prompt to hydrate more often.
However, the bottle'…
Translated from German, Vorfreude means “the anticipation of joy,” and frankly, we could use more of it.
When speaking of vorfreude,…
The above photos are of a building a couple of miles from my home. Seeing positive messages like this displayed is both unexpected and refreshing…
It's no secret that a pillar of good health is eating vegetables and fruits daily. That said, the Environmental Working Group has released its…
Anyone who watches commercial TV has seen numerous ads for the memory supplement Prevagen. Lately, it seems they are running more frequently,…
"Ultra-processed foods are not only tasty, but they're also good for you," said no one, ever.
Data gathered from dozens of studies that…
Improved mood and mental focus and reduced levels of depression and anxiety are a few benefits of healthier brain function courtesy of exercise…
Teen rebellion is common and considered a rite of passage by some. However, some behaviors, if not appropriately and effectively addressed, can…
Another restaurant doing good deeds.
I don't know what restaurant this is, but blessings to whomever came up with this policy of love and kindness.
I first saw this ad a couple of years ago and was just as moved when I saw it again today…
"The average person uses just 10% of their brain capacity." I bet most of us have heard this statement repeated over the years. I remember…
Having worked in gyms for many years, I've periodically seen people walking on treadmills backward. This engages the legs and other muscles…
In 2023, an article by ProPublica and posted in Well Street, highlighted Philips Respironics, a manufacturer of CPAP breathing machines used by…
"We can look at our behavior, we can look at our thoughts, and we're full of compassion and empathy. And on a human's best day, we can do…
My most recent certification is in sleep coaching, so when I see an article called "Popular myths about sleep debunked," my curiosity is piqued…
The average bottle of water contains nearly a quarter million nano-plastic fragments, according to a recently published study.
These easily…
Gynadromorphism is a word I hadn't heard before. Zoologist and professor Hamish Spencer describes gynandromorphs as "animals with both male and…
A myriad of diseases have been linked to chronic inflammation, including cancer, diabetes, fatty liver, autoimmune and cardiovascular disease…
I have a friend who's all about oat milk in her coffee. I've tried it, and it's delicious. However, this non-dairy favorite can create a spike in…
Working in the fitness industry, I come across a fair amount of articles about the importance of maintaining muscle mass as we age. Sarcopenia, or…
Cobalt lung, a condition where the lungs become scarred from repeated inhalation of heavy metals, has been diagnosed in a woman who used a vape…
If you were to do an online search of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), every article would define it as a condition in a child that results from…
In 2019, the CDC released a report indicating that just 10% of Americans consume the recommended 5 daily servings of vegetables. Essentially, food…
When we typically hear about immigrants in the news, they're people trying to find better lives by escaping poverty and warfare. However, less…
Waking up before sunrise has been part of my routine for many years, not by choice but necessity (as nearly everyone in the fitness industry will…
I first learned about the mind-body connection, at least one facet of it, from reading bodybuilding magazines. These articles discussed how…
You'll be hard-pressed to find an article about stress reduction or ways to boost health that doesn't include exposure to nature. It's reported…
With the proliferation of fake news and the likelihood that it's here to stay, California has joined a short list of states to mandate a "media…
Troubling data found in a recent US study finds that nearly 40% of baby food contains toxic pesticides, some linked to hormonal disruption, cancer…
The brain is an interesting thing, isn't it? Sometimes, a memory pops into your mind from nowhere and without prompting.
This happened to…
Stories of corporations selling products to consumers found to be harmful and dangerous are nothing new. Shamefully, the same is said for…
The Covid pandemic impacted societies around the world in a myriad of ways. Among them—a deepening of loneliness.
A 2021 Harvard study…
The list of benefits from exercise continues to grow.
A recent study found that short bouts of high-intensity exercise influenced hormone…
I had no idea the way immune cells track and eliminate bacteria was so reminiscent of a video game. Pac-man, maybe?
Watch how immune cell…
In his book, "The Way to Love", Jesuit priest Anthony De Mello gives advice we'd all be wise to embrace.
"You must cultivate activities…
Out of the approximately 64,000 expected cases of pancreatic cancer this year, more than 50,000 of them will be fatal.
In this short video…
There are plenty of adults weighing in on the debate over banning children's books—some believing it's necessary to avoid subjecting kids to…