An achievement the president won't boast about

News Flash

The 47th president often claims he can achieve what his predecessors were incapable of, and in this case, he's absolutely right.

A new sexually transmitted disease has been discovered and is called Trumporrhea trachomatis. The bacterial infection got its name because it can turn a man's "equipment" an orange shade that's remarkably similar to the makeup used by the commander-in-chief.

In this article from Substack, Dr. Harold Weinerman, who thought up the name, details other parallels he's observed between the STD and Donald Trump. Unfortunately, once the president learns of this landmark achievement, he'll likely insist the medical board revoke Dr. Weinerman's license.


Nevermind. I started to comment and changed my mind.



Thank god there are so many funny, creative people in this country who can still express humor in whatever form and not be tossed in jail for making fun of the head of state. This was hilarious!

Wilsons Grave

This explains everything 😆