Civic Center
The sacrifice to digital media

The link between digital content consumption and poor mental health continues to strengthen with alarming survey results.
A recent poll reveals people are literally losing days of their lives to digital media, upwards of 36 days annually. Even worse, Gen Z Americans report nearly two months sacrificed to their phones each year.
Respondents reported their states of mental health, and unsurprisingly, those who felt the best consumed the least digital media. Frequent bouts of guilt were reported by those in the "very poor" mental health category, many of whom estimate losing two weeks each month.
In this article from Study Finds, psychiatrist Dr. Sham Singh provides helpful suggestions to moderate screen time and mitigate feelings of guilt. I found "Set Phone-Free Intentions" the most intriguing.
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I thought the tips Dr. Singh gave could be helpful to families that are trying to become less phone dependent. Parents can be good role models for their kids, and also provide them with the guidance that will be needed to find alternatives to their phones. Thanks for posting about this very important subject.
Serenity Township
Amazing how the time adds up. Good info to contemplate. Thanks for posting!
Sounds like a case of curiosity killing the cat. Used to be you'd have to go out and buy a magazine to get the latest gossip. Now it's coming at you all day long, and all you have to do is let your finger do the walking. Sadly, most people can't be as interesting, exciting, or fun as the next news story or cat video, so back to the phone one must go for the fix—meaning, addiction has set in along with guilt and loneliness.