The case for female physicians

News Flash

The number of female physicians in the US has steadily grown over the last 50 years. The Women Physicians Congress of the American Medical Association reported more than 235,000 women physicians in 2004, compared to just 25,000 in 1970. Sadly and frustratingly, women doctors face disparities in pay and leadership opportunities compared to their male counterparts, despite growing data indicating women do the job better.

Female physicians are more detail-oriented, have better follow-through, and are willing to actively listen to their patients. When treated by women doctors, patients had a lower mortality rate.

In this article, Dr. David Weill discusses why women make better doctors (yes, his doctor is female) and how the systems rooted in sexism leave them undervalued, overworked, and often choosing to leave the field altogether.


I really appreciate you posting this article. I do my best to stay away from doctors, but when I need one, I go to a woman for the reasons Dr. Weill points out.

Not long ago, my 90 year old aunt had a team of doctors treating her for a health issue, and they were all female. The doctors consulted with each other and worked together as a cohesive team, and above all, they listened to my aunt and her daughter and treated them with respect. My cousin said it was so refreshing to be heard and treated with respect.

Well Street

Unfortunately, the care in "healthcare" is typically in name only and doesn't extend to the actual patient. It would be wise to include sensitivity training and active listening skill building in the medical school curricula, though from what Dr. Weill says, male med students might find these topics the most challenging.


Yes female physicians can be good & caring and male physicians can be good & caring. However both can be demeaning, dismissive and arrogant. If you find a good doctor who you can relate to keep them .

Well Street

You have a unique insight into this topic.

You're right; if a doctor makes you feel comfortable, valued, and heard, they're a keeper.