One sweet experience like this multiplied over and over would create a miracle that we desperately need. When given the opportunity, let's be…
We’re all fed up with high prices, but it’s not just inflation pushing people to change their shopping habits—it’s corporate decisions, too. More…
It’s a simple rule, a reminder to think before acting—to be sure a decision won’t cause more harm than good. But the current administration didn’t…
Three months after Hurricane Helene tore through North Carolina, the destruction still weighs heavily on the small community of Bat Cave. The once…
There’s something magical about wildlife photography—the way it brings the untamed beauty of nature right to our fingertips. Ayush Singh has…
This new California law builds on the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) recent rule targeting “junk fees,” taking a step further to protect…
As someone who appreciates the power of photography to reveal the unseen, I find trail cameras fascinating. These devices are like nature’s hidden…
Cheers to the architect who designed this. Amazing and fun too!
I don't know who she/he is or even where this masterpiece is located. I've…
A few years may have passed since Corey Patrick’s story captured hearts nationwide, but its impact remains just as powerful. The Alabama teenager…
So much truth in such a few words.
I can’t lie—seeing Alex Jones taken down felt like justice finally being served. For years, he spread harmful lies and made money by hurting…
Sumatra, one of Indonesia's most pristine rainforests, is home to the endangered Sumatran tiger, a subspecies that continues to survive in the…
Just like humans, critters take a time out of their daily activities to have some relaxation and fun. These beautiful photos caught them when they…
I've been so annoyed when trying to opt out of a free trial offer or cancel a subscription or membership. Having to go through multiple steps and…
Patience and precision led this artist to create the impossible. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how it was achieved.
Butterflies remind me of my childhood summers playing games with my friends and imaginary foes. For photographer Andreas Kolossa, butterflies…
I found this NPR article both timely and informative, especially with the growing concerns surrounding ballot privacy in today's political climate…
A 500-year-old engraving by Northern Renaissance master Albrecht Dürer, once rescued from a garbage dump, is now up for auction, with an estimated…
LinkedIn is facing criticism for using user data to train AI models without users’ explicit consent. The platform is collecting information such…
This image is a local post from Redondo Beach CA, but this new scam involving fake QR codes has emerged at parking lot payment kiosks all over the…
It's 100 degrees here today so these “chilling” photos of Sierra de Guadarrama National Park in Spain were very refreshing as well as…
This mega-pod of at least 1,500 dolphins stretched out for almost a mile. It'll take your breath away in a way only nature can do. Read details…
Samantha Figueroa, food operations manager for Caroline County Public Schools in Virginia, oversees an expanded summer meal program, distributing…
Stunning photos from locations new to me. Faces, scenes, and life captured—telling a story with one click. All are winners. The above image is…
Frank Tischer's black-and-white nature photography captures the essence of landscapes with rich contrasts and striking compositions. His images…
I had a chance yesterday morning to do some browsing for art and found these very cool ink drawings. The artist's name is Margo and she has…
When kids don’t have clean clothes to wear to school, many of them don’t go. That’s what’s been discovered as a contributing issue to the Los…
There’s art that hangs over your living room couch, and then there’s art that pokes and provokes our minds. This series from John Holcroft will…
If you didn't already know, today is National Donut Day. I chose chocolate glaze to celebrate. There's still time for some special Friday fun on…
Twelve-year-old Bruhat Somastood from St. Petersburg, Florida, made the news last week after winning the 96th Scripps National Spelling Bee…
Add a little Mother Nature to your weekend by browsing these delightful…
A Louisiana high school was in trouble. Fights were breaking out regularly. One fight was so out of control that local police had to respond. …
Just a few days before Christmas of 2000, a baby was bundled in a blanket and flannel shirt, put in a cardboard box, and left in the hallway of an…
This young farmer loves his animals and his animals love him. He's the pied piper on the farm. It brought me smiles and a happy heart as I read…
These beautiful images by the talented Finnish photographer Joachim Munter make you feel you're right there in the forest with these beautiful…
When I saw these photos from a Michigan woman’s candid camera, I was amazed. She set up a photo booth that captured dozens of beautiful birds…
In August 2023, sixteen young Montanans sued their state over climate change and emerged victorious as a judge ruled in a first-of-its-kind…
Many Native American cultures call February’s full moon Snow Moon. The Cherokee called it Bone Moon due to the winter’s dwindling food supplies so…
Beautiful examples of award-winning clicks. Pick your favorite from these…
Trapped in his body, unable to communicate for years, Martin Pistorius finally escapes his living nightmare. See his story and celebrate the…
Professional, amateur, and student photographers from across the globe were honored in the 2023 International Photography Awards competition…
Cats have clever ways of getting attention; some subtle, some not so subtle. The kitty in this photo is a feral who's primarily fed by a very kind…
These wildlife photos are some of the cutest ever. You just can't help but smile and say, aww. Take a break from your busy, stressful day and lift…
One of my favorite authors, Ann Patchett, recently announced that two of her books, The Patron Saint of Liars and Bel Canto, were banned by the…
Bad actors seem to have no problem finding unending ways to scam us. The one being talked about a lot recently is “smishing.” Never heard of it?…
There are very few things that people agree on these days, but there is one thing we all hate — robocalls. They are annoying, intrusive, and…
As parents, we try to teach our children right from wrong, good manners, and accepted behavior. A child scribbling on the walls of the family’s…
You’re online and a new gadget catches your eye. You grab your phone and get all the specs from the supplied QR code. Quick and easy, right? What…
There are some really awesome entries for this year's Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award. These talented photographers remind…
Salinas California Superior Court Judge John Phillips was troubled by the number of youth offenders that came before him. Many cases involved…
While out shopping a few days ago, I was handed a flyer (pictured above) by a picketer outside Smart & Final. It seems a few months ago over…
Advanced RV's CEO Mike Neundorfer says he first heard about the four-day workweek for five days’ pay two years ago. The idea resonated enough for…
It seems there are environmental issues with synthetic turf that were overlooked when it was originally touted as the drought-friendly lawn…
On Monday, October 16, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a new bill requiring California schools to teach cursive handwriting to elementary students from…
I love animals. They aren't afraid to be themselves; they're 100% authentic. The 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards finalists snapped some…
These three lovelies dropped by and hung out in my tree for a while. It's their second visit. I haven't seen them fly; they just appear flattened…
After sharing their life advice from Dear Life Kit experts, NPR asked their audience to share the best advice they'd ever received. I thought it…
Mama cheetahs are usually very protective and even quite dangerous when their cubs are around. The videographer lucked out when this mama didn't…
Who would have thought that a mountain of cat fur could turn into the cutest, most clever creations of cat hats, wigs, and various other…
Recently, a Marin County neighborhood had anti-Semitic flyers land on their doorsteps. Deciding that counter-action was warranted, a small group…
Such a sweet story about several orphaned owlets. Read about their rescue and see their wide-eyed excitement…
It was fun tracking the moon last night. I live in Long Beach, CA, and the moon wasn't visible at 7:30 pm, so I periodically went outside to watch…
Thank you Lens for posting and sharing how you took your amazing photos. And I love the snippet of moon history as well. You can see Lens' post…
It’s a phrase most of us have used or heard over the years and is usually combined with a statement of something that doesn’t happen often, such…
You may have read about the male bald eagle who was so eager to hatch an egg, he sat on a rock. Of course, nothing came of his efforts, but it's…
A good lesson from Dolly, she doesn't lose her temper, she uses it. And because she doesn't lose it often, when she does, people listen. Read more…
Today is international cat day; just one more occasion to further spoil these furry creatures who get whatever they want, whenever they want. They…
Come to find out a whole bunch of good stuff. Brew yourself a cup or glass and enjoy reading all about its…
Went shopping today. Can you spot the mismatch? Look closely…
Obviously, the store isn't too observant when it comes to practicing what…
Does a jolt of caffeine in the morning give you that extra oomph you need to get going? A paper published in the journal Frontiers in…
Tonight's full moon was beautiful and sorta pink after all.
One of my favorite go-to recipes using my Instant Pot is lentils. I like this recipe because it takes just a few minutes to put together and cooks…
I'm sharing a photo I took yesterday, national bird day, of these cute little yellow finches enjoying my fountain. They love drinking, bathing,…