Enjoy a purrrrrfect day of love for yourself and others…
The holidays can be joyful, but they can also be stressful. Pierre Portolano’s beautiful nature photos feel like a breath of fresh air. His…
This year’s holiday season feels heavier than usual. The election was devastating for me—not because of who won, but because I feel common decency…
We’ve all heard someone say, “They’re just wishful thinking” or “You’re just wishful thinking.” When it’s said, it’s not meant as an encouragement…
Today, I pulled a little piece of paper from my grandma’s heart box that said, “Do something for somebody.” That simple statement could…
A helpless, bald baby bird is found in a flower bed, and from that moment on, the bird and its rescuers' lives would magically change.
We show our love by doing things for others, giving our time, or being there when someone needs us. But much of the time, we leave doing for…
This video hit me straight in the heart. If this little one knows how we should treat each other and can state it so simply, what's wrong with the…
I wish someone in Congress had this peacemaker dog's courage to step in and put a stop to the ongoing quarreling and backbiting. It's no doubt…
I think of sunflowers as the happy face flower because they always make me smile. So, when I saw this spectacular video of a trail bordered by 250…
Somewhere someone is looking for exactly what you have to offer. – Louise Hay
How cool is that! You, yes you, have exactly what someone is…
Youtropolis has formed an alliance with Happy Harvesters, a grassroots movement that gleans produce from neighborhood backyard trees and donates…
I wish I knew why my pond gathers worms every time it rains. There are three, four, five, or more worms wiggling in my pond, and I can't figure…
It’s that time of year with New Year parties filled with good cheer. So from me to you, a wish for good tidings and a magical new year.
I wish for us to experience more calm, peace, and kindness toward ourselves and toward all others. This includes having goodwill toward those who…