Silent Walking: Something Old Becoming New Again
Tue, 09/10/2024

Silent Walking: Something Old Becoming New Again

We've often had the experience of something old becoming new again--think flared jeans or bedazzled clothing. That seems to be what’s happening in…

What do you say to yourself?
Mon, 05/13/2024

What do you say to yourself?

At lunchtime yesterday while making my favorite sandwich, I grabbed the bread, spread the mustard, and promptly put the mustard and sliced cheese…

Find the gifts in your challenges
Thu, 05/02/2024

Find the gifts in your challenges

One morning earlier this week, I was complaining in my head about several projects that were taking longer than expected, plus some other issues…

Don’t trip over what’s behind you.
Wed, 04/10/2024

Don’t trip over what’s behind you.

I have a pretty, heart-shaped ceramic box that belonged to my grandma. I call it my grandma’s heart, and it’s the keeper of notes I’ve made when I…

Take nothing for granted
Thu, 02/08/2024

Take nothing for granted

It’s easy to fall into full-time autopilot. Get up in the morning and do the morning rituals then consult your checklist, be it mental, on your…

Sticks and stones
Sat, 01/27/2024

Sticks and stones

I’m sure almost everyone has heard the old phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I think we also know that…

What you do for others…
Tue, 01/23/2024

What you do for others…

“What you do for others, you are doing for yourself.” When I read these words this morning, it rang a total truth. I can say with complete…

Ignore. Move on. Remember. You. Love.
Sun, 09/24/2023

Ignore. Move on. Remember. You. Love.

This advice from Anne Rice works beautifully as a pledge we can each make so that our lives, and the lives of those around us, are as full and…

Truffles the cat makes a pledge
Mon, 09/11/2023

Truffles the cat makes a pledge

Truffles the cat took a pledge to model glasses for kids who might be hesitant to wear them. Her coolness shows them how cool they can be too. And…

The big payoff
Mon, 05/15/2023

The big payoff

The other night while finishing my Chinese food, I was wondering what was in my future via my fortune cookie. Will I be going on a cruise, or…

Love is everywhere
Mon, 04/10/2023

Love is everywhere

While making my lunch the other day, I reached into the tortilla chip bag and pulled out this perfect heart-shaped chip. How amazing is that! It…

Two sides of a coin
Thu, 02/09/2023

Two sides of a coin

For those going through a rough patch, when nerves are raw and emotions are strained, when it’s a real “when is this going to be over” situation,…

End my day with gratitude
Thu, 02/02/2023

End my day with gratitude

I support and follow Well Street's commitment by pledging to end my day with gratitude as well.

I mentioned in my comment to Well Street's…

Conscious listening
Fri, 12/30/2022

Conscious listening

I pledge to rein in my mind and be fully present to what another is saying in the moment.

When I'm having a conversation, I sometimes let…

Putting my best self forward
Wed, 12/21/2022

Putting my best self forward

I pledge to give my best self to myself, my family, my friends, and those I may not know. Asking myself, am I being my best self right now, and if…

Choosing good news
Wed, 09/28/2022

Choosing good news

I pledge to take time to find positive news rather than settling for the doomsday headlines that flood my feed.

I like to stay somewhat…

Appreciate the moment
Fri, 08/19/2022

Appreciate the moment

I pledge to pay attention to the moment. Too often I find my mind rehashing things from the past; woulda, shoulda, coulda. Or jumping to the…

Live drama-free
Thu, 03/31/2022

Live drama-free

Recently I had to have a car repair. There’s a whole backstory surrounding the repair that involves an untruthful mechanic who I unwittingly…