Civic Center
What do you say to yourself?

At lunchtime yesterday while making my favorite sandwich, I grabbed the bread, spread the mustard, and promptly put the mustard and sliced cheese packet back in the fridge. When I laid the turkey on the bread, I realized I had put the cheese away before putting it on my sandwich.
My “self-voice” quickly jumped in and started to say, “Such a dumbo,” but instead, surreptitiously and with lightning speed, “dumbo” was replaced with the words “a lovable.” I was so surprised by the unintended word replacement that I burst into laughter.
In that moment, I saw how quickly I could turn on myself and engage in negative self-talk. But something inside me pushed back and replaced it with words that I don’t use with myself. I can use them with others, but kindness and compliments to myself are few and far between.
I’m going to change that. I’m pledging to speak to myself as kindly as I do others and observe the upside it brings.
What do you say to yourself? Would you benefit from kinder self-talk?
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Great advice for all of us! Too often people say horrible things to themselves. Maybe not out loud, but it's there in the background.
Good reminder.
Thank you! I hope it's useful to others.
Well Street
It's great that your positive replacement phrase came so quickly. For many, no kind and gentle replacement comes to them and they live with and accept the messages of self-deprecation and belittlement.
Though none of us are batting 1000 when it comes to positive self-talk, what a worthy endeavor it is to keep practicing. I'm with you in your pledge.
I was sure surprised when I heard the replacement, but I'm glad I caught it. I'm on guard now for other negative self-talk. Thanks for your support!
Tin Cup
Great food for thought, it is so true and how powerful those words truly are.
I will give an extra effort in using that process so I can see the garden instead of the weeds.
It is a great reminder that we all have special gifts to contribute to others wellbeing and to remind us to give these positive gifts to ourselves also.
again very good post.
Thanks so much. I had hoped others could use it. I like your garden/weeds observation.
Your story is honest and sweet. It's a great reminder that we all fall into the trap of self-judgment even for the silliest things. Since we are all holy beings, then we can't be anything but lovable--which is likely why you were immediately corrected by that holier, more loving voice that steeps within.
Yes, I agree the replacement was loving not punishing. I prefer loving 😍
Present Valley
I'm immediately reminded of Alphabet of the Heart, K=Kindness.
Guessing its no accident that word made it to the list to remind us
of the connection between the heart and kindness.
Our inner critic is never far away. Your mind did an elegant and graceful dance swiftly correcting the misstep and telling you who you really are.
Thank you for vulnerably and honestly sharing. I know I certainly take those missteps too. This is a beautiful reminder.