As a lifelong Californian, I’ve seen my fair share of wildfire seasons, but in recent years, the scale has been cataclysmic. Over the past few…
At a news conference announcing the indictment of Luigi Mangione, NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch displayed outrage at those cheering the CEO’s…
Watching this beaten down, retired greyhound linger in a child's love and bedtime stories felt so heartwarming, but my heart really soared when…
Recently, a mystery was solved. Since I’ve been alive and perhaps centuries before, this mystery was the subject of great debate, curiosity, and…
A helpless, bald baby bird is found in a flower bed, and from that moment on, the bird and its rescuers' lives would magically change.
If you’ve ever had a passion or dream dashed by well-meaning critics, you’ll enjoy this performance as much as the live audience and judges did…
We show our love by doing things for others, giving our time, or being there when someone needs us. But much of the time, we leave doing for…
I’ve never been a religious person, despite being conceived in “Concepción” (a city in Chile named for the Immaculate Conception), then born in “…
At the age of 19, after becoming bored with Los Angeles City College, I went on an extended journey with my brother, visiting our parents in Rio…
Last night on YouTube, I was watching a medical doctor describe her own deadly kayaking accident, detailing the death she experienced before…
Watching television this weekend has made me feel like I’m living in parallel universes.
In one universe, there’s a cacophony of holiday…
As part of my “Listening For Peace” music series, last week’s pledge spoke of our innate need for peace and comfort in the terrifying absence of…
In last Sunday’s pledge, Listening for Peace, I pledged to share a piece of music every Sunday through the end of the holiday season. Some pieces…
When Youtropolis was conceived, we envisioned a new land of opportunity with its own social safety net where people could help other people feel a…
This advice from Anne Rice works beautifully as a pledge we can each make so that our lives, and the lives of those around us, are as full and…
As we head toward another divisive election cycle, I’m wondering if anyone is fed up yet. I am.
Like the Twin Towers burning to the ground…
While making my lunch the other day, I reached into the tortilla chip bag and pulled out this perfect heart-shaped chip. How amazing is that! It…
Benny wished for a new home. He didn’t like the shelter, but no one picked him to go home with them. He waited and waited then one day he had a…
An arctic cold front is blasting the country with sub-zero temperatures, bringing devastation and loss of life. And across the world, missiles…
Hate and anger have had their time and taken their toll. It's time to shake that off and welcome an attitude of gratitude and kindness. We all…
I pledge to give my best self to myself, my family, my friends, and those I may not know. Asking myself, am I being my best self right now, and if…
I wish for us to experience more calm, peace, and kindness toward ourselves and toward all others. This includes having goodwill toward those who…
I pledge to pay attention to the moment. Too often I find my mind rehashing things from the past; woulda, shoulda, coulda. Or jumping to the…