The idea of “us and them” is a powerful illusion—one that divides, isolates, and blinds us to the truth about others and ourselves. It quashes…
As a lifelong Californian, I’ve seen my fair share of wildfire seasons, but in recent years, the scale has been cataclysmic. Over the past few…
Recently, a guest on a podcast said, “Acts of kindness are valid only if performed without conditions or expectations,” bringing to mind a brief…
At lunchtime yesterday while making my favorite sandwich, I grabbed the bread, spread the mustard, and promptly put the mustard and sliced cheese…
As Jason, my client of nearly 25 years, performed a set of dumbbell chest presses, he strenuously asked, “How many more reps?” “Two to go,” I…
A recent post by the city of Slipstream, titled Sticks and Stones, discusses how our words can uplift and bring peace to others or do the opposite…
Musician Nick Cave on the power of small actions:
"The everyday human gesture is always a heartbeat away from the miraculous. Remember that…
The other night while finishing my Chinese food, I was wondering what was in my future via my fortune cookie. Will I be going on a cruise, or…
When a small, torn piece of paper fell out of a book I borrowed, I noticed words scribbled in ballpoint pen:
- is it true Is it…
There's a lot that can be packed into what it means to be a good person. In the context of this pledge, my intention is to be and do good for…
Hate and anger have had their time and taken their toll. It's time to shake that off and welcome an attitude of gratitude and kindness. We all…
I pledge to give my best self to myself, my family, my friends, and those I may not know. Asking myself, am I being my best self right now, and if…
I wish for us to experience more calm, peace, and kindness toward ourselves and toward all others. This includes having goodwill toward those who…
I pledge to take time to find positive news rather than settling for the doomsday headlines that flood my feed.
I like to stay somewhat…
I pledge to work on my mindfulness when listening. It's too easy to get distracted and half-listen. I pledge to be aware of my thought process,…