Civic Center
My Kindness Reputation Pledge

As Jason, my client of nearly 25 years, performed a set of dumbbell chest presses, he strenuously asked, “How many more reps?” “Two to go,” I responded. Finishing the exercise and putting down the weights, he said, “I lost count of the reps that time.” Jokingly, I replied, “Keeping track of your reps is how I stay relevant after all these years.”
Toweling sweat from his brow, he smiled and said, “No, Tom, that’s the least valuable thing you do. You have a good heart and make a difference in my life. That’s true value.”
In the article, “What’s Your Kindness Reputation?” the city of Youtropolis shares daily practices to build up our kindness muscle, starting with “Think one kind thought about yourself upon waking.” Greeting the new day with the voice of self-advocacy increases our energy, happiness, and ability to spread kindness.
To honor Jason’s thoughtful sentiments, prime my kindness muscle, and feel open to others, I pledge to start each day with the simple but inspiring mantra: “I am blessed with a good heart, and I help make people’s lives better.”
What thoughts can you wake up to that will acknowledge your unique gifts, uplift you, and inspire you to share kindness?
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Present Valley
Great article Well Street
My simple morning mantra that anchors me for the day...
"My heart is grateful, my mind is open and I am willing to be of service."
Well Street
I can see how your mantra anchors you in a positive and abundant mindset.
Starting the day with gratitude, and positive thoughts about myself and others sets the tone for my entire day. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Wilsons Grave
I'm the kinda guy that likes to be useful, sort of a johnny on the spot if need be. My skills hold me in good stead and putting them to use helping others reminds me I'm here for a good reason.
Well Street
Helping others comes naturally to you and makes you happy. Those are commodities you can't put a price on.
Kindness 1 person at a time, 1 day at a time will help diminish the anger that is so prevalent today. The road map to a peaceful world
Well Street
Amen to that.