Without conditions or expectations

Younited Front Pledge

Recently, a guest on a podcast said, “Acts of kindness are valid only if performed without conditions or expectations,” bringing to mind a brief interaction I had in a grocery store parking lot.

While putting groceries in my trunk, I noticed an elderly gentleman in the space next to me who had three five-gallon water bottles to load in his backseat. Knowing these weigh nearly 50 pounds each, I asked if he needed a hand with them. With an unpleasant expression, he looked at me for a moment and curtly responded, “No, I’m fine,” and turned his back to me.

Getting in my car and exiting the parking lot, I almost felt I’d done something wrong. However, it occurred to me that feeling capable and independent matters to everyone, and he likely interpreted my offer to help as an infringement, or he may simply have had a bad day.

Driving home, I acknowledged that my offer was kind, genuine, and aligned with my best self regardless of the outcome. I pledge to continue opening myself to such opportunities “without conditions or expectations.”

Would you like to join me in my pledge?


Like you, I offer my help whenever I see that it might be needed. It's always nice to walk away feeling good, but if doesn't work out the way we had imagined, we definitely should continue offering "without conditions and expectations." As you say, putting our best self forward is the point. And yes, I'd like to join you in your pledge 😃


Good for you for not taking his rebuff personally. We can never know what triggers someone, but this man's ungracious behavior is symptomatic of a pervasive social malaise that increasingly puts people at odds with others, and where goodness feels like a thorn in their side.

I happily will join in your pledge, knowing that every offer of support ultimately comes back to benefit me even when not accepted by the other.

Wilsons Grave

It's never wrong to offer help. You were being cool. He was a grump. You turned his missed opportunity into your own opportunity to give yourself some kudos and challenge yourself with a lasting pledge. You won. He lost. I'll remember this pledge and join you in it next time I offer a helping hand and someone hisses back at me.

Present Valley

Yes I would like to join you in your pledge of a higher consciousness act of kindness.

I think it takes courage each time we open ourselves up to be vulnerable...and I think an offer of help does place ourselves in a vulnerable position. We never know how our random act of kindness
will be received.

I hope I never loose my courage to offer kindness, generosity and caring for another human being. I don't think you will either.