Be a good person

Younited Front Pledge

There's a lot that can be packed into what it means to be a good person. In the context of this pledge, my intention is to be and do good for myself.

I'm taking a page out of the book of my tribe member, Present Valley.
As part of their daily intention, Present Valley checks in with their thoughts throughout the day to find out if they’re heart-centered or head-centered.

Heart-centered inner dialogue is supportive, kind, and absent of judgments and harsh critiques. I pledge to make it a significant part of being and doing good for myself which helps me to do good for others.

Present Valley

I support you and your pledge Well Street. All the best. I have no doubt you will be successful.


It's so heartening to see the beauty in one tribe member uplifting another through a shared and meaningful insight.


I definitely support you in your pledge. I actually practiced it myself yesterday when my head-centered mind was trying to speak louder than my heart, but I caught it and went with my heart-mind instead, and I'm happy I did.


I'd love to hear how are you doing with this pledge.

Well Street

Like so many things in life, it's a work in progress, but progress has been made.
It was this week that I began visualizing taking my unsupportive thoughts and flushing them down a toilet. It may sound weird, but I'm liking it.


Sounds like a good place for them 🙂