Veggies and fruits are healthy, but...

News Flash

It's no secret that a pillar of good health is eating vegetables and fruits daily. That said, the Environmental Working Group has released its annual "Dirty Dozen" produce list—a breakdown of the 12 fruits and veggies with the highest pesticide residues. The chemicals detected can potentially disrupt liver, hormone, and even brain function. It's highly recommended that if buying organic is an option, then do so.

This article from Food and Wine also includes the "Clean Fifteen"—vegetables and fruits “with very low or no pesticide residues.”

How many of the Dirty Dozen are on your shopping list?


Organic is for sure the way to go, but unfortunately, there are some large supermarkets that have a limited organic produce section and even some that don't have an organic section at all. Even at a store like Sprouts, you have to watch what you buy and make sure it's organic. I saw fresh strawberries on display at the entrance that weren't organic, but people were popping them in their carts with no hesitation.

Thanks for posting this. It's very helpful to know what to watch for. Just because it looks good doesn't mean it's good for you.


Only one is on my list and I don't eat it often, but when I do, I buy organic and still clean it thoroughly before cooking it.

Thanks for sharing.


So everything on both lists can be found in my home at some point in time. Good thing I have clean water and a veggie/fruit cleaner to limit my exposure 😀. Thanks for sharing.