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Make the world a better place by investing
in real change, one pledge at a time!

Our Futures Exchange empowers you to uplift
change makers who are making profound
changes in their lives, community, or world.
Just find a pledge that inspires you, and offer
your encouragement, wisdom, know-how,
or connections to give someone a leg up.

You can also publicize your own pledges
over the exchange to gain valuable support
for any new goals you're tackling.
Who knows what lies beneath?
Fri, 05/17/2024

Who knows what lies beneath?

Recently, a mystery was solved. Since I’ve been alive and perhaps centuries before, this mystery was the subject of great debate, curiosity, and…

May All Good Wishes Come True
Sun, 12/24/2023

May All Good Wishes Come True

I’ve never been a religious person, despite being conceived in “Concepción” (a city in Chile named for the Immaculate Conception), then born in “…

I Can't Make You Love Me
Sun, 12/17/2023

I Can't Make You Love Me

At the age of 19, after becoming bored with Los Angeles City College, I went on an extended journey with my brother, visiting our parents in Rio…

Crossing The Bar
Sun, 11/19/2023

Crossing The Bar

Last night on YouTube, I was watching a medical doctor describe her own deadly kayaking accident, detailing the death she experienced before…

Sun, 11/12/2023


Watching television this weekend has made me feel like I’m living in parallel universes.

In one universe, there’s a cacophony of holiday…

Prayer Of The Children
Sun, 11/05/2023

Prayer Of The Children

As part of my “Listening For Peace” music series, last week’s pledge spoke of our innate need for peace and comfort in the terrifying absence of…

In The Arms Of An Angel
Sun, 10/29/2023

In The Arms Of An Angel

In last Sunday’s pledge, Listening for Peace, I pledged to share a piece of music every Sunday through the end of the holiday season. Some pieces…

Listening For Peace
Sun, 10/22/2023

Listening For Peace

When Youtropolis was conceived, we envisioned a new land of opportunity with its own social safety net where people could help other people feel a…

Ignore. Move on. Remember. You. Love.
Sun, 09/24/2023

Ignore. Move on. Remember. You. Love.

This advice from Anne Rice works beautifully as a pledge we can each make so that our lives, and the lives of those around us, are as full and…

10 Truths We All Share in Common
Fri, 09/15/2023

10 Truths We All Share in Common

As we head toward another divisive election cycle, I’m wondering if anyone is fed up yet. I am.

Like the Twin Towers burning to the ground…

Love is everywhere
Mon, 04/10/2023

Love is everywhere

While making my lunch the other day, I reached into the tortilla chip bag and pulled out this perfect heart-shaped chip. How amazing is that! It…

Putting my best self forward
Wed, 12/21/2022

Putting my best self forward

I pledge to give my best self to myself, my family, my friends, and those I may not know. Asking myself, am I being my best self right now, and if…

Appreciate the moment
Fri, 08/19/2022

Appreciate the moment

I pledge to pay attention to the moment. Too often I find my mind rehashing things from the past; woulda, shoulda, coulda. Or jumping to the…