Civic Center
Small but meaningful

Something we’ve all grown accustomed to seeing regularly are delivery vehicles from Amazon parked in the middle of the street with their hazard lights flashing. Often they’re blocking a driveway or causing some other type of commuter inconvenience. Maybe you’ve gotten stuck behind one of these vans because of opposing traffic as I have.
The other day, one of these delivery vans pulled on my street and parked just a few feet from the busy boulevard it had just turned off of. This quickly created gridlock, as a growing line of cars were pulling up behind the van and unable to pass due to oncoming traffic.
As I drove up from the opposite direction, I stopped and flashed my headlights, indicating to the stuck drivers to pass. Each one of them, seven in total, smiled and waved to me as they drove by and my heart warmed. Receiving this small parade of thank you’s made my day and was a reminder that a difference can be made and a spirit uplifted by a tiny bit of courtesy.
The spokesperson in a new Mastercard commercial says, “Meaningful actions are not always big.” In a world where emotionally deflating and shocking events occur almost daily, extending kindness and seeking opportunities to do so has become increasingly important. They nourish our souls and convey the loving message that “you matter.”
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Nice. Kindness goes a long way
I'm sure some of them shared what you did and maybe even passed the kindness on to someone else. Whenever you can make LA drivers smile, that's a very good thing. It was a simple act that made them and you feel good, how cool is that!
We've heard phrases like "common courtesy" or "common decency" and "common sense" which used to imply a response mechanism common to all of us. And yet it no longer seems to be true.
Through your simple act, seven drivers witnessed that helpful response mechanism in action. Not only did they benefit from your courtesy, they will likely mimic it should they find themselves in your position during another gridlock situation.
Present Valley
What a beautiful description of your expanding heart consciousness! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful experience and the details of how you demonstrated to 7 souls in a very visible way they did matter.
Years ago the You Matter Compassion Project created lovely little cards that simply said "You Matter." I would hand them out randomly to people. I will never forget the countless times the response was eyes welling up with tears, a hug or "you made my day" from the very surprised and grateful recipient. And of course, my heart was filled with joy and my spirit lifted as you also experienced.