Wed, 02/19/2025

Coffee house fun

It's a good thing my local coffee shop isn't as fun as this one, or I'd always be there!…

If at first you don't succeed...
Fri, 01/24/2025

If at first you don't succeed...

These cute babies weren't discouraged by their lack of success on their first try. They just kept at it. See what happens…

Seals once again thriving near San Francisco
Thu, 01/16/2025

Seals once again thriving near San Francisco

Seeing these babies frolic in their safe playground gave me a big smile. So darn cute! Here's the short article and video; enjoy!…

There's no denying it...
Fri, 12/20/2024

There's no denying it...

No DNA test required on these two.

Escape to Mexico
Mon, 12/16/2024

Escape to Mexico

A Bizarro replay that's spot on.

Mon, 12/09/2024

A bunny surprise

This is a sweet story, and you'll never guess the ending. I'll bet you'll be surprised…

Thu, 12/05/2024

Love on a mission

I didn't roll with laughter, but this story sure touched my heart and lifted my spirits.

Captain Gregory Rice has been serving overseas…

Hosing off for fun
Sat, 11/30/2024

Hosing off for fun

Nothing is more heartwarming and uplifting than seeing an animal having fun doing a very human thing. Watch these elephants figure out how to use…

Tue, 11/19/2024

Too cute for words

Everyone's waiting for the bride. See what happensβ€”so adorable!…

Birds of a feather
Sun, 11/10/2024

Birds of a feather

I was amused and moved by the beauty and sweetness of these beautiful creatures. Another example of Mother Nature's magnificence, joy, and love…

A big hit and frighteningly funβ€”Happy Halloween!
Thu, 10/31/2024

A big hit and frighteningly funβ€”Happy Halloween!

Flashback to 1962β€”The "Monster Mash" single was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart from October 20–27 just before Halloween…

Comical Critter Clicks
Mon, 10/14/2024

Comical Critter Clicks

We all love comedy, and there’s nothing better than getting some smiles from nature’s critters. Enjoy these fun photos!…

Fascinating geometrical cats
Wed, 10/09/2024

Fascinating geometrical cats

Have you seen a square cat? How about a round cat? Here's a collection of geometrical kitties that's fascinating and fun!…

A dangerous hostage situation... or is it?
Fri, 09/27/2024

A dangerous hostage situation... or is it?

Glenda has taken over, and there's no escape. Her "hostage" has run out of options…

A warning for quilters...
Sat, 08/24/2024

A warning for quilters...

The results may not be what you'd hoped for...

Laughter on takeoff
Wed, 08/14/2024

Laughter on takeoff

The comedian flight attendant in the background got this trip off to a hilarious start…

Childless cat ladies and the weakening of the USA
Wed, 07/24/2024

Childless cat ladies and the weakening of the USA

"Childless cat ladies" may not be the" real problem with the USA. It might just be those "crazy cat men" who choose to stay home and cuddle with…

Fri, 07/19/2024


Bizarro creator, Dan Piraro, cracks me up with his sardonic humor. Not everyone appreciates that sort of wit, but for those of you who do, enjoy...

The latest addition to Olympics competition
Mon, 07/15/2024

The latest addition to Olympics competition

This will be hard to beat...

Dolly and Kenny?
Wed, 07/03/2024

Dolly and Kenny?

Nope, take a closer look... and listenβ€”you might be surprised…

Did you think your cat's weird?
Sat, 06/29/2024

Did you think your cat's weird?

Well, take a look at this funny, crazy cat. She may be weird, but she's very loveable…

Manic Monday
Mon, 06/10/2024

Manic Monday

Mondays can be hectic, even crazy. Here's a little something you can chill with and hopefully give you some smiles.…

Smarter than you think
Thu, 05/30/2024

Smarter than you think

Crows have overtaken my yard this spring. I used to have lots of finches and hummingbirds hanging out at my fountain, but this year, the crows…

Let's go on a field trip
Tue, 05/14/2024

Let's go on a field trip

Once again, Mother Nature has won my heart with her creations. This time it's a kitten taking its duckling friends on a field trip to the water…

It's Friday β€” Put on a happy face!
Fri, 05/10/2024

It's Friday β€” Put on a happy face!

You won't be able to hold back a smile, or maybe you'll even laugh out loud at the wildlife having some fun with their photographers.…

Very unusual fashion consultant
Mon, 04/22/2024

Very unusual fashion consultant

Pony is definitely an unusual fashion consultant. Watch as she hilariously guides Champagne to a high-fashion ensemble…

Do you like to smile?
Thu, 04/11/2024

Do you like to smile?

I loved scrolling through these old photos. I've been through them several times, and they brought a big smile to my face every time. I hope you…

Sun, 04/07/2024

When mom calls...

When I was a kid, and my mom called me to come in from playing outside, I came running. These "kids" also come running when mama calls, and it's…

Looking for some smiles?
Mon, 04/01/2024

Looking for some smiles?

All of these bunnies are so cute and loveable, you can't help but smile…

Unlikely best friends
Mon, 03/25/2024

Unlikely best friends

These best pals have lots of fun together and share the sweetest friendship. Enjoy the love these two share…

Who controls who?
Fri, 03/22/2024

Who controls who?

Yep, definitely not far from the truth. I had a good laugh…

Cat's surprise on Valentine date night
Wed, 02/14/2024

Cat's surprise on Valentine date night

Never underestimate a cat's shenanigans even on Valentine's Day…

Baby chicks choose a cat over their parents
Tue, 02/13/2024

Baby chicks choose a cat over their parents

These baby chicks decided to go home with the cat. Their parents are perplexed…

Cold bedrooms are better for sleeping
Fri, 02/09/2024

Cold bedrooms are better for sleeping

Almost every "How to Sleep Better" article written advises sleeping in a cold bedroom. Maybe they're right. It seems to work for this polar bear...

So darn adorable
Tue, 02/06/2024

So darn adorable

Murphy and Chippy are the most unlikely friends, but that didn't stop them from loving each other…

Can you herd ducks?
Sun, 02/04/2024

Can you herd ducks?

The answer is yes if you have these four border collies working them. Listening to each whistle for direction, they easily herd the ducks through…

Friday on the farm
Fri, 01/26/2024

Friday on the farm

Cats make themselves at home wherever they are. The farm is a favorite place for this kitty with her friend.

A generous friend...
Wed, 01/24/2024

A generous friend...

If we have something we can share, let's follow this bunny's example. It can be as simple as sharing yard tools with a neighbor or the fruit from…

Sun, 01/14/2024

Where's my cellphone?

Have you ever been looking for your glasses only to find them on your head? Wanda Sykes has a similar experience with her cellphone, and it's a…

A cat and a rooster take a hike...
Sat, 01/06/2024

A cat and a rooster take a hike...

The cutest cat takes its rooster pal on an adventure. You can tell that they're close friends who adore each other…

Cat people beware!
Sat, 12/23/2023

Cat people beware!

Your cat may have a lot more planned than just climbing the Christmas tree...

Love comes in all sizes and shapes
Wed, 12/20/2023

Love comes in all sizes and shapes

She's cared for him since he was a baby at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. Their love is so heartwarming…

The cat's tale
Thu, 12/14/2023

The cat's tale

And now we know all there is to know...

Thu, 12/07/2023

Fun in the snow

This big guy is having some winter fun. https://

How an "only" dog plays catch
Wed, 10/18/2023

How an "only" dog plays catch

This video reminds me of when I was a kid playing catch with myself. As an only child, I used to throw the ball in the air and catch it for hours…

Acrobatic cat stops a New York Yankees game
Wed, 10/11/2023

Acrobatic cat stops a New York Yankees game

This frisky cat had security practically doing flips to get it off the field. The players and fans loved it πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€…

Getting into the swing of it
Fri, 10/06/2023

Getting into the swing of it

There’s no question, this bear knows exactly what it's doing. Let's you know it's practiced its techniques. Very clever actually...…

Amy Schumer warns 20-year-olds
Wed, 10/04/2023

Amy Schumer warns 20-year-olds

As you scroll the article, Amy lays it all out with hilarious photos: "Life is coming for you"…

Tue, 08/29/2023


Forget something? Obviously...

British highschoolers try biscuits and gravy
Thu, 08/24/2023

British highschoolers try biscuits and gravy

"What is it?" "That's not a biscuit." "That's not gravy." Watch as they try American biscuits and gravy, southern fried chicken, and sweet tea for…

Smart kitty gets rewarded
Mon, 08/07/2023

Smart kitty gets rewarded

Nothing better than learning a trick and receiving a tasty reward…

Pawing attention
Tue, 07/25/2023
Hey fellas, what happened?!
Thu, 07/13/2023

Hey fellas, what happened?!

Engineers are baffled... https://

Wed, 06/21/2023

Maliya schools her dad

Dad gets his singing lesson…

How dogs think...
Sat, 05/20/2023

How dogs think...

... vs how cats think.

Tue, 05/09/2023

Welcome to the jungle

This guy knows how to rock it…

Fri, 01/06/2023

Drama dog

This pup deserves an Oscar for this performance…

Lovin' life
Tue, 09/20/2022

Lovin' life

Are you living your best life? These critters sure are!…

Thu, 09/15/2022

Sweet and patient

This guy is so mellow. The perfect companion for the youngsters…

Thu, 08/18/2022

Private kitty convo...

Catching up on the latest neighborhood happenings…

Wed, 02/23/2022

That's my bed!

This pup gets so very upset when someone's in his bed…

Thu, 02/10/2022

Farm love...

This mama loves all the farm babies; fur and feathers alike…