Civic Center
You don't have to be rich to be a philanthropist.

When I hear the term philanthropist, giving money to worthy causes comes to my mind. However, since most of us don't have bundles of money to gift, there are innumerable other ways to give. This little video is a good reminder that small kindnesses make a big difference in people's lives. Please share what acts make you a philanthropist.
Well Street
What a fun clip. You're right, most don't know that philanthropy extends beyond the dollar and includes the currency of our hearts.
I love how the main character starts as an unlikeable, self-absorbed guy who can't be bothered with anything or anyone outside of himself until literally pulled into an act of philanthropy and a near-premature demise.
Thank you for posting.
I, too, loved the guy's transformation. Once he did something nice, it felt so good, he just kept doing it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.