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Laughing is good

Maybe youre not the funniest person
who ever lived, but here's your chance
to be a real clown and amuse your tribe.

Post jokes, cat videos, clever memes,
humorous cartoons or whatever hits
your funny bone. Everyone can use
some belly laughs these days–and you'll
keep your Municipal Fund growing!
Wed, 11/15/2023

A most obedient cat

And it's got rhythm, too!

The cat who

Let's make a deal
Tue, 11/14/2023

Let's make a deal

This clever little entrepreneur figured out how to make a deal and get food for his winter storage…

Thu, 11/09/2023


"Where'd it go..." Pup totally faked out. https://

Tue, 11/07/2023

The power of an influencer

Who's been influencing this kitten? The alpha dog.

Tue, 11/07/2023

Dog obeys Alexa

Gotta love an obedient dog!…

Thu, 11/02/2023

Ants strike gold!

I wonder what happened to the woman who it belonged to...

It's time to get up!
Fri, 10/20/2023

It's time to get up!

You're late! I'm hungry and I need to go outside... now!!

How an "only" dog plays catch
Wed, 10/18/2023

How an "only" dog plays catch

This video reminds me of when I was a kid playing catch with myself. As an only child, I used to throw the ball in the air and catch it for hours…

Maggie the goalie
Tue, 10/17/2023

Maggie the goalie

She's the champion!…

Thu, 10/12/2023

A furry kind of cat lady

Divinity at work in animals

Love and

Acrobatic cat stops a New York Yankees game
Wed, 10/11/2023

Acrobatic cat stops a New York Yankees game

This frisky cat had security practically doing flips to get it off the field. The players and fans loved it 😀😀😀…

Getting into the swing of it
Fri, 10/06/2023

Getting into the swing of it

There’s no question, this bear knows exactly what it's doing. Let's you know it's practiced its techniques. Very clever actually...…

Amy Schumer warns 20-year-olds
Wed, 10/04/2023

Amy Schumer warns 20-year-olds

As you scroll the article, Amy lays it all out with hilarious photos: "Life is coming for you"…

Angry pup
Fri, 09/22/2023

Angry pup

Maybe his mom and dad put him in time-out...

She Who Rules Over Me
Tue, 09/19/2023

She Who Rules Over Me

A black cat thinks she should be living in this house. She thinks it's hers and doesn't understand why I don't allow her in. She stares at me with…

Abby was sad...
Fri, 09/15/2023

Abby was sad...

But Abby's mom found just what Abby needed to cheer her up. She's so happy now…

Posing for a picture
Tue, 09/12/2023

Posing for a picture

My friends had their pictures taken, now everyone's laughing. My aunts laughed very loud; it hurt my ears. What's so funny?

Three bunnies and a puppy
Thu, 09/07/2023

Three bunnies and a puppy

My puppy friend is being eaten out of house and home. He's looking a little worried. I think he's moving out…

The real truth about Adam and Eve
Wed, 09/06/2023

The real truth about Adam and Eve

When God created Adam and Eve, He said to them: I have two gifts to give you - one is to pee standing up and...

Adam, very anxious,…

Tue, 08/29/2023


Forget something? Obviously...

Something to smile about
Mon, 08/28/2023

Something to smile about

Keep your chin up!

Coffee, tea, or a flick of my bic?
Sat, 08/26/2023

Coffee, tea, or a flick of my bic?

It's funny how something will pop in your head out of the blue, sometimes things you'd long forgotten about.

I don't know why, but "Coffee…

British highschoolers try biscuits and gravy
Thu, 08/24/2023

British highschoolers try biscuits and gravy

"What is it?" "That's not a biscuit." "That's not gravy." Watch as they try American biscuits and gravy, southern fried chicken, and sweet tea for…

Tue, 08/22/2023

Jolene was stealing men 700 years ago!

Hildegard von Blingen pleads for mercy…

Tue, 08/22/2023

Meet Edgar & Fergus

The full life of two rats who bring joy and and happiness into their home…

Wedding photo goof
Tue, 08/15/2023

Wedding photo goof

Just because they say they're a photographer, doesn't mean they are...

Smart kitty gets rewarded
Mon, 08/07/2023

Smart kitty gets rewarded

Nothing better than learning a trick and receiving a tasty reward…

Pawing attention
Tue, 07/25/2023
Oh boy, ice cream!!
Fri, 07/21/2023

Oh boy, ice cream!!

I love ice cream too, but my mom won't give it to me. My friend here shows me how I can get it.…

Hey fellas, what happened?!
Thu, 07/13/2023

Hey fellas, what happened?!

Engineers are baffled... https://

Wed, 06/21/2023

Maliya schools her dad

Dad gets his singing lesson…

How dogs think...
Sat, 05/20/2023

How dogs think...

... vs how cats think.

Wed, 05/10/2023

Food shortage?

Not while papa sleeps…

Wed, 05/10/2023
Tue, 05/09/2023

Welcome to the jungle

This guy knows how to rock it…

Tue, 05/09/2023

Hey, that's my bed!

You just can't trust those darned cats…

Not An Unlikely Conversation Between Two Women!
Tue, 05/09/2023

Not An Unlikely Conversation Between Two Women!

Jane: I’m really upset!

Judy: Why?

Jane: Can’t you tell?

Judy: No. Is it the new Admin, Kandy Kane?

Jane: No…

Doggie Facetime
Mon, 04/24/2023

Doggie Facetime

Finally, it's about time we get to FaceTime:…

Pants on Fire 🤫
Mon, 04/17/2023

Pants on Fire 🤫

What do you call a teacher who has never farted in the classroom?

Answer: A private tutor!

Wed, 04/12/2023


How much should dead batteries cost?

Actually, there should be no charge!

Tongue twister?
Tue, 04/11/2023

Tongue twister?

I think this twists the brain more than the tongue in determining if there's too many "saws".

Talking Eyes!
Tue, 04/11/2023

Talking Eyes!

What did the left eye say to the right eye? Between you and me, something smells.

Sun, 03/12/2023

Snack Attack

What can we learn from this funny video? Possibly that we should always pause before reacting? Not to judge a book by its cover? That inner…

Tue, 03/07/2023

Bugs Bunny makes French Rarebit

Bugs Bunny escapes being made into rabbit stew by teaching two French chefs how to make a delicious French rarebit…

Tue, 02/28/2023

Another L & H classic

This clip holds sentimental value for me. As a kid, I had a skill for memorization and I performed this Laurel and Hardy scene as a "one man act"…

Thu, 02/16/2023

Get off your bum and do the bump!

Somebody definitely spiked the punch bowl, uh-huh, uh-huh…

Wed, 02/08/2023

The Flying Deuces

In this clip from Laurel and Hardy's movie, The Flying Deuces, Oliver Hardy has had his heart broken, and Stan Laurel's attempts to console and…

Before Madonna...
Tue, 01/31/2023

Before Madonna...

...there was Nancy Sinatra…

Laurel and Hardy versus Michael Jackson
Tue, 01/31/2023

Laurel and Hardy versus Michael Jackson

The classic comedy duo who never shied away from a dance floor take on Billie Jean…

Sun, 01/22/2023
Thu, 01/12/2023

NBA Miracle Plays

Unbelievable odds of not making the play, but they do…

Fri, 01/06/2023

Drama dog

This pup deserves an Oscar for this performance…

Sat, 12/31/2022

Are cats supposed to do this??

I've never owned a cat, but this is highly unusual, yes?…

Sat, 12/31/2022

Best behaved dogs ever?

Getting on the bus to go to day-care, these dogs are far more calm and well behaved than people.…

Who's in charge?
Wed, 12/07/2022

Who's in charge?

Cat people know the answer to that question.

Fri, 09/23/2022

Bread maniac

Bread is a favorite food of many, but this little guy goes crazy for it!…

Lovin' life
Tue, 09/20/2022

Lovin' life

Are you living your best life? These critters sure are!…

Thu, 09/15/2022

Sweet and patient

This guy is so mellow. The perfect companion for the youngsters…

Sat, 08/20/2022

Fitness Training Summer Camp

This pup never misses a training session…

Thu, 08/18/2022

Private kitty convo...

Catching up on the latest neighborhood happenings…

Mon, 04/25/2022

Cockatoo Tantrum

Cockatoo freaks when he learns he's going in for a nail clipping (ouch)!…

Mon, 04/25/2022


What would humanity accomplish if we all had the courage and tenacity of cats?…

Thu, 03/31/2022

If at first you don’t succeed…

Try, try again. It will pay off!…

Fri, 03/18/2022

Baby Talk

These two are hilarious!…

Tue, 03/15/2022
Mon, 03/14/2022

Now I’ve seen it all!

How the cluck did this happen?…

Sun, 03/13/2022

Dad and Buddy

Every dog agrees with me that this dad is the best!…

Wed, 02/23/2022

That's my bed!

This pup gets so very upset when someone's in his bed…

Thu, 02/10/2022

A little bit wonky...

As you'll see, inventions can go awry, but these inventors pursued their idea…

Thu, 02/10/2022

Showing off for a lady

These guys really go overboard to get the girl…

Thu, 02/10/2022

Guilty dogs

Start your day off with a smile!…

Thu, 02/10/2022

Farm love...

This mama loves all the farm babies; fur and feathers alike…
