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Laughing is good

Maybe youre not the funniest person
who ever lived, but here's your chance
to be a real clown and amuse your tribe.

Post jokes, cat videos, clever memes,
humorous cartoons or whatever hits
your funny bone. Everyone can use
some belly laughs these days–and you'll
keep your Municipal Fund growing!
Census Taker vs. Old Lady
Fri, 02/28/2025

Census Taker vs. Old Lady

On a day like today, we can only pray for wisdom and hope to laugh. This bit made me laugh. I hope it puts a smile on your face, too…

VP Debate: Sarah Palin and Joe Biden - SNL
Thu, 08/22/2024

VP Debate: Sarah Palin and Joe Biden - SNL

Politics is a ferris wheel. Whether you're high up or down low in this cycle, here's an old SNL opening that's an entertaining throwback to what…