Civic Center
Too much stuff?

We often aim to accumulate more and more stuff thinking that it will make us happier, our lives more richer. But does it really? Or does it just further clutter up our lives, creating more stress? Having too much stuff may actually generate hurdles that prevents us from being happy.
Let me give you an example ... imagine you have one plant. It looks good in your office and creates a nice cozy vibe. You water it every other day and your little plant is thriving. But what if you had 25 plants? That would require a lot more time and effort, wouldn't it? Now, you'd have a lot more to keep track of. Not to mention, needing someone to take care of all your plants should you go on vacation. Some of the plants may start to die making you feel sad and reassessing whether or not you have a green thumb.
Having too much stuff creates a sort of prison. You are not free to roam about the cabin, as they say. You're too busy watering all your plants.
Having too much doesn't set you free, it imprisons you. It doesn't make your life happier, it often produces more stress.
What would happen if you released some of your stuff? Might you feel lighter? It would be interesting to try and see what happens. Who knows, you might feel freer! I'm willing to try myself.
If you do decide to get rid of some clutter, let me know how it works out for you.
True. And there's always someone else out there who might appreciate a fun or useful item you no longer need. Youtropolis' Recycle Bin is a great place to share your old stuff with others. For recipients, it's a fun way to save money while acquiring something desired for free.
De-cluttering always feels great. It's like a fresh start. So, I'm with you on keeping only what we need and use. And as they say, "one person's trash is another person's treasure," so you're not only doing yourself a favor, you're gifting someone else who needs exactly what you no longer need. Spring is coming, so thanks for the reminder!
Well Street
It's interesting that you use plants as an example. I know someone who had a YouTube channel about her passion for plant life and her apartment was jammed full of them.
This was all good and well until she unexpectedly had to move out of state, and her plants suddenly became a burden.