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Maybe you're not a teacher. But who hasn't
learned something worth sharing, even if it's
just a "lesson learned”?

Sharing knowledge brightens the world.
What you know and share might liberate
another, break down cultural barriers,
increase tolerance, or simply bring hope
and happiness.

Share what you love: an inspiring video,
a lecture, a tutorial, personal insights,
or life stories. But if you're a school teacher
or university professor, post what you love to
teach. Either way, the world will be better for it.
Too much stuff?
Tue, 02/04/2025

Too much stuff?

We often aim to accumulate more and more stuff thinking that it will make us happier, our lives more richer. But does it really? Or does it just…

Gratitude for what we no longer need
Fri, 02/10/2023

Gratitude for what we no longer need

I’m often looking for something I’ve missed or overlooked when it comes to expressing gratitude. Today, I ran across a couple of Hawaiian shirts…