Civic Center
"The best day of the year"

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.
Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in. Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.
This new day is too dear with its hopes and invitations to waste a moment on the yesterdays."
Each day, we have the opportunity to start fresh. To have the attitude that we did our best, and not drag our anxieties and perceived shortcomings of yesterday with us—to learn, let go, and live the best day of the year.
We can start with baby steps, looking upon each day as a new beginning, not just more of the same.
My contribution—First thing in the morning give thanks for yesterday's blessings and the unseen blessings of the day to come.
Please share your "baby step" on how we begin the best day of our year.
For me, it's avoiding all forms of political "news" appearing in any feed—which is always carefully crafted to manipulate one's viewpoint and ultimately trigger fear, anger, or both.
That's a good one! Do you have any ideas on a corrective action if a negative thought from the past pops into the present?
Well Street
I begin with a prayer of gratitude for waking up to a new day, for the sleep I got the night before (even if it wasn't my best), for my parents and their good health, and for the opportunities to make a difference in my clients' lives.
That sounds like a great "waker-upper," and a beautiful way to start the day🌞 If a negative thought pops in, do you have a corrective thought or action you take to shoo it away before it takes hold?
Present Valley
What a great go back and think about what I do. All the baby steps are ways to anchor myself each morning.
I start my day thanking God for returning my soul to my body and giving thanks for the opportunity to be here another day to make a difference how and where I can.
I pray and send love to anyone I might be meeting with that day.
I get up and make my bed (its my conscious transition from night to day) then I read something inspirational and go for a walk.
Those are very positive steps to make your day a "best" day. Any thoughts on how to swat away negative thoughts when they pop in?
Present Valley
That is a beautiful question...because we all do this.
As soon as I'm aware I ask Archangel Jophiel to help me shift my thinking from negative to neutral or something else less disruptive.
Most effective for me is to take 5 slow and deep heart breaths. I'll actually place one hand on my heart and one on my belly while I breathe. Connecting with my body gets me out of my thinking mind.
I focus on something or someone I am grateful for or appreciate or the word love while I'm taking those 5 breaths.
I end up feeling a shift in my thinking, more able to comfort myself and be my companion not my tormenter and figure out what the next best step is in resolving this negative state I found myself in.
If there is any residual negative energy I'll do a clean up and will cut cords or do some tapping to remove it.
Thanks so much for sharing your process. I think many of us visit our past which can be dangerous if we dwell on the negative incidents. Our brains seem to be wired to seek trouble so having effective ways to steer us back to the present and more positive thoughts is very helpful. Thanks again for sharing!
Present Valley
Neuroscience tells we are wired for negativity unfortunately!!!
We have to work harder to find the positive than we do the negative.
We just need to be mindful that we are helping ourselves move in the direction we want to go.
Indeed we do 🌻