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What you know and share might liberate
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Share what you love: an inspiring video,
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Are you sure?
Tue, 01/28/2025

Are you sure?

Have you ever been certain of something only to find out that you were wrong? Well, what if you were to ask yourself, "Am I sure?" Maybe if you…

A Sunday Sermon
Sun, 12/01/2024

A Sunday Sermon

It’s Sunday. If you’re not in church but would still like to listen to an inspiring sermon, grab your cuppa, settle in, and listen to this one. It…

Can Undocumented Migrants Vote In Our Elections?
Thu, 08/15/2024

Can Undocumented Migrants Vote In Our Elections?

Lots of claims and accusations about this lately. Here's what you need to know.…

Learn How to Be More Outspoken When It Matters
Wed, 01/31/2024

Learn How to Be More Outspoken When It Matters

Too many folks are ignoring the truth. They're looking the other way, either out of fear or feeling powerless. Not this guy. He's giving…

Don't ask for the moon if you have the stars
Wed, 01/10/2024

Don't ask for the moon if you have the stars

Sometimes things aren’t what you think they are. But you’re just so sure of yourself. You know you’re right, but no one agrees with you. That can…

School Books or Bars and Factories?
Sat, 06/17/2023

School Books or Bars and Factories?

It has been a rough and disturbing year politically speaking. Nearly every day, I read something that shocks or stuns me and forces me to wonder…