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What you know and share might liberate
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Share what you love: an inspiring video,
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When the World Turns Against You
Wed, 04/19/2023

When the World Turns Against You

From Gold Dust

“There are times in one’s life when the world seems to turn against us. Our motives are misunderstood, our words…

"Bad" can pay off
Mon, 03/20/2023

"Bad" can pay off

Sanatana’s “We’ll see…” post stimulated several of my “we’ll see” memories. One in particular came to mind I’d like to share.  I was hired as an…

Sat, 03/18/2023

How do you love your ‘neighbor’?

Of all the teachings of my faith. The one that seems mentioned often is to ‘love thy neighbor’ - and it is the most difficult of all the teachings…

There truly is a purpose for it all.
Tue, 01/17/2023

There truly is a purpose for it all.

Here’s something I’ve been thinking about…

Life seems to put us on a road. I don’t mean a physical road or even the ground we walk on. It’s…

Wed, 10/19/2022

Faith and Optimism

Have you ever known someone whose outlook on life makes you feel like you should take a page out of their book? A person I know who leaves me…