Civic Center
The Essence Of The Ultimate Power Broker Revealed!

In this thoughtful opinion piece, Michael Tomasky, answers the question: Why does no one understand the real reason Trump won?
Let's be honest—the "left" media did little to help Biden and Harris. MSNBC and CNN, along with the major newspapers, seldom led with anything about Biden and the policies rolled out specifically for the middle, lower-middle, and poor families. "If it bleeds, it leads" was in full force so Build Back Better seemed kind of boring compared to the outlandish stunts of the right's darling. Sadly, all media is about selling advertising, and whatever they have to do they will do. Whether they are on the right or left, they're owned by corporations and the wealthy, and as my grandpa used to say, they're all in cahoots.
Well Street
I had no idea such inroads had been made in acquiring these media outlets. The avenues to finding factual, non-opinion-based reporting have become few; a trend that won't be easily stopped.