Civic Center
Prayer Of The Children

As part of my “Listening For Peace” music series, last week’s pledge spoke of our innate need for peace and comfort in the terrifying absence of love. This is especially true for children.
As wars in Gaza and Ukraine continue for the long haul, I am also reminded of the forced deportation of 2 million Afghani refugees from Pakistan, half of whom are children.
In Gaza, 67% of all casualties are children. Hamas is still holding Israeli children captive. And since the inception of Russia’s war against Ukraine, an estimated 700,000 Ukrainian children have been captured, stolen from their families, and pushed into Russian families. Imagine how they will be treated.
Today, I chose “Prayer Of The Children,” to remind us that if we can do nothing else, we can pray for the children who have been victims of the depravity of war and the inhumanity of those who perpetuate it.
Such a beautiful, sad song. It was originally written about the Yugoslav War of the 1990s. Here it is 2023, and the children of yet another war are praying. I've included the poignant words below.
Can you hear the prayer of the children?
On bended knee, in the shadow of an unknown room
Empty eyes with no more tears to cry
Turning heavenward toward the light
Crying Jesus, help me
To see the morning light of one more day
But if I should die before I wake,
I pray my soul to take
Can you feel the hearts of the children?
Aching for home, for something of their very own
Reaching hands, with nothing to hold on to,
But hope for a better day a better day
Crying Jesus, help me
To feel the love again in my own land
But if unknown roads lead away from home,
Give me loving arms, away from harm
Can you hear the voice of the children?
Softly pleading for silence in a shattered world?
Angry guns preach a gospel full of hate,
Blood of the innocent on their hands
Crying Jesus, help me
To feel the sun again upon my face,
For when darkness clears I know you're near,
Bringing peace again
It's so awful what is going on. My heart is crying. Those poor little children.
Thank you for posting that moving but sad song.
Present Valley
Wow...this haunting song brings the devastation of what is happening to a whole new level in my heart, body and soul.
So sad that a song like this needs to be written. Prayers for peace. Prayers that the children feel held in tender angelic arms as they leave this planet.
Well Street
Beautiful and haunting. As I read the words, I can't help but see the images of devastation in my mind.
I hope our collective prayers have an impact.