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A Reflection on tragedy
Mon, 01/13/2025

A Reflection on tragedy

As a lifelong Californian, I’ve seen my fair share of wildfire seasons, but in recent years, the scale has been cataclysmic. Over the past few…

Words and their energy
Mon, 03/11/2024

Words and their energy

A recent post by the city of Slipstream, titled Sticks and Stones, discusses how our words can uplift and bring peace to others or do the opposite…

Younited Front Pledge
Tue, 02/07/2023

I won't give up

I dedicate this song to all members of my tribe and to anyone who needs to know I'll have your back. I'll never give up on myself or on you. If…

Putting my best self forward
Wed, 12/21/2022

Putting my best self forward

I pledge to give my best self to myself, my family, my friends, and those I may not know. Asking myself, am I being my best self right now, and if…