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Laughing is good

Maybe youre not the funniest person
who ever lived, but here's your chance
to be a real clown and amuse your tribe.

Post jokes, cat videos, clever memes,
humorous cartoons or whatever hits
your funny bone. Everyone can use
some belly laughs these days–and you'll
keep your Municipal Fund growing!
Wed, 02/19/2025

Coffee house fun

It's a good thing my local coffee shop isn't as fun as this one, or I'd always be there!…

Hosing off for fun
Sat, 11/30/2024

Hosing off for fun

Nothing is more heartwarming and uplifting than seeing an animal having fun doing a very human thing. Watch these elephants figure out how to use…

A big hit and frighteningly fun—Happy Halloween!
Thu, 10/31/2024

A big hit and frighteningly fun—Happy Halloween!

Flashback to 1962—The "Monster Mash" single was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart from October 20–27 just before Halloween…

Fascinating geometrical cats
Wed, 10/09/2024

Fascinating geometrical cats

Have you seen a square cat? How about a round cat? Here's a collection of geometrical kitties that's fascinating and fun!…

Exhausted mama dog lets kitty take over
Wed, 09/18/2024

Exhausted mama dog lets kitty take over

Nice kitty cat pal takes over the whining pup while Mama dog takes a break. Now that's a real friend…

A thank you letter to Trump from an immigrant
Sat, 09/14/2024

A thank you letter to Trump from an immigrant

The following is a letter to the editor written by an immigrant and published in the LA Times:

“Former President Trump, you are right. Vice…

Young sports reporter asks the hard questions
Fri, 08/16/2024

Young sports reporter asks the hard questions

Cool as a cucumber interviewing the biggest names in football, 11-year-old Jeremiah Fennell stole the show at 2024's Super Bowl LVIII…

The latest addition to Olympics competition
Mon, 07/15/2024

The latest addition to Olympics competition

This will be hard to beat...

Dolly and Kenny?
Wed, 07/03/2024

Dolly and Kenny?

Nope, take a closer look... and listen—you might be surprised…

My Pooch Pals
Mon, 06/17/2024

My Pooch Pals

Cats get a lot of press these days, but just take a look at these photogenic pooches. They make me proud to be a pooch.…

Stella's having fun!
Fri, 04/19/2024

Stella's having fun!

I wish I knew Stella so I could visit her and play in the leaves too…

Do you like to smile?
Thu, 04/11/2024

Do you like to smile?

I loved scrolling through these old photos. I've been through them several times, and they brought a big smile to my face every time. I hope you…

Unlikely best friends
Mon, 03/25/2024

Unlikely best friends

These best pals have lots of fun together and share the sweetest friendship. Enjoy the love these two share…

Can you herd ducks?
Sun, 02/04/2024

Can you herd ducks?

The answer is yes if you have these four border collies working them. Listening to each whistle for direction, they easily herd the ducks through…

Friday on the farm
Fri, 01/26/2024

Friday on the farm

Cats make themselves at home wherever they are. The farm is a favorite place for this kitty with her friend.

A cat and a rooster take a hike...
Sat, 01/06/2024

A cat and a rooster take a hike...

The cutest cat takes its rooster pal on an adventure. You can tell that they're close friends who adore each other…

Thu, 12/07/2023

Fun in the snow

This big guy is having some winter fun. https://

How an "only" dog plays catch
Wed, 10/18/2023

How an "only" dog plays catch

This video reminds me of when I was a kid playing catch with myself. As an only child, I used to throw the ball in the air and catch it for hours…

Getting into the swing of it
Fri, 10/06/2023

Getting into the swing of it

There’s no question, this bear knows exactly what it's doing. Let's you know it's practiced its techniques. Very clever actually...…

Abby was sad...
Fri, 09/15/2023

Abby was sad...

But Abby's mom found just what Abby needed to cheer her up. She's so happy now…

Wed, 06/21/2023

Maliya schools her dad

Dad gets his singing lesson…

Wed, 05/10/2023
Doggie Facetime
Mon, 04/24/2023

Doggie Facetime

Finally, it's about time we get to FaceTime:…

Lovin' life
Tue, 09/20/2022

Lovin' life

Are you living your best life? These critters sure are!…

Thu, 09/15/2022

Sweet and patient

This guy is so mellow. The perfect companion for the youngsters…