Youtropolis Support
Strategies for fulfilling a wish
Fulfilling a wish takes planning, action, and determination. If you are serious about achieving your aim, others will step in to help. Here are some basic rules that will help you fulfill your wishes:
1. Believe in yourself and in the good will of others. Ignore the naysayers and stick with your plan. If you don't get the support you need at first, be patient and take the next step below.
2. Discover what others have to give through their profile page. If someone offers something that will potentially help you achieve your goal, be sure to join their tribe and invite them to join yours. Birds of a feather should flock together.
3. Be someone who supports other liberators with their needs. Your philanthropy will prompt those you've helped to lend you a hand in return. Selflessness trumps selfishness every time.
4. Be open to any suggestion and any possibility.
5. Be thoughtful when people respond. You may receive many supportive comments, but when someone takes time to offer a valuable suggestion toward fulfilling your wish, consider giving kindreds in return in addition to replying to their comment. They will appreciate your acknowledgement.
6. Be truthful. Don't conjure to get sponsored. Abusing the good will of others through willful deception is illegal.
7. Be optimistic. People love to help optimists.
8. If you've launched a campaign on a funding site and would like your tribe's support, be sure to include a link to your funding page along with a description of your project.