The Purge of the Deep State


Our country is experiencing the aggressive launch of a historic disentanglement from democratic values and crumbling of the rule of law. We should all take a breath and get serious about understanding what truly lies ahead.

The new administration is unwrapping the present it promised—one branded as Make America Great Again. But as the wrapping comes off the package, little by little, day by day, it’s apparent there’s a very different gift inside—a surprise MAGA’s most ardent fans are even questioning.

Instead of everyone receiving their golden elevator to lift them into prosperity, people are getting a swift kick in the butt or a boot out.

More than that, nobody’s sure if it’s Musk running the show now, Project 2025, or Putin. It’s obvious Trump has been reduced to a sidelined figurehead who makes speeches, shows up for photo ops, and spends most days entertaining himself on the golf course. Contrary to the plan to make America great again, it’s looking a lot more like make Russia great again. Nobody asked for that, but Trump has a long history of defrauding people.

In his essay, The Purge of the Deep State and the Road to Dictatorship, Chris Hedges, in my view, lays out best what lies ahead. He’s no psychic, but he knows his history.

The essay begins with, “The Trump administration’s war with the deep state is not a purgative. It is not about freeing us from the tyranny of intelligence agencies, militarized police, the largest prison system in the world, predatory corporations or the end of mass surveillance. It will not restore the rule of law to hold the powerful and the wealthy accountable. It will not slash the bloated and unaccountable spending — some $1 trillion dollars — by the Pentagon.

All revolutionary movements, on the left or the right, dismantle the old bureaucratic structures. The fascists in Germany and the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, once they seized power, aggressively purged the civil service. They see in these structures, correctly, an enemy that would stymie their absolute grip on power. It is a coup d'état by inches. Now we get our own.”

You may read or listen to the full essay below to better understand the full change that is underfoot—and how it may impact your own future.


Chris Hedges' piece is the soul-crushing truth taking place every minute of every day now. But, as he says, we must not be complicit in this evil. We have to speak up and use every method we can to fight back. Remind representatives their job is to fight for you, your job, your healthcare, your children's school, your family. Boycott corporations who are kowtowing to this new government and continue raising their prices. Join with neighbors, friends and family in supporting each other during these times. Also, check out the Youtropolis Recycle Bin,, for dozens of free items that you or someone you know may need including clothes and household items.