Civic Center
What's behind the TikTok addiction?

Many parents worry about their kids being addicted to social media, particularly TikTok. It's not by chance they spend hour after hour glued to their phone screen. “These unredacted documents prove that TikTok knows exactly what it’s doing to our kids – and the rot goes all the way to the top.” This is a statement released by The Oversight Project, a social media watchdog group, responding to findings from an investigation into TikTok by 14 attorneys general.
In October, the state of Kentucky filed a lawsuit against the popular social media platform, alleging its executives and managers knew how addictive it is to adolescent brains. They also accuse TikTok of tweaking its algorithm to suppress content made by users it deemed unattractive while promoting users they categorized as beautiful.
Internal company documents also show executives knew underage teens strip for money on the platform and that the app can induce behaviors like forgoing eating and sleeping.
The epidemic of self-comparison, depression, and anxiety among teens and young adults is raging, along with associated behaviors like disordered eating, isolation, and suicidal thoughts. The actions of TikTok blatantly discards the health and wellbeing of a generation with issues that could likely follow them into adulthood.
This article from NPR delves further into the case against the company and the lengths they've gone to to keep 95% of smartphone users under 17 glued to their content.
Well Street
One doesn't need to be a mental health professional to know that when a young brain gets addicted to anything, tough consequences will follow. Along with the pre-teen and adolescent users, I feel for the parents who witness the negative impacts on their kids' mental and emotional well-being, courtesy of TikTok.
The government needs to drop the hammer on TikTok over these practices. Hefty fines and shut down should be considered. Currently TikTok is supposed to be shut down in January 2025 if they don't divest from their Chinese owner. We have a new administration, so who knows what will happen with that.
Shocking. Just 25 minutes to addict someone. No wonder people couldn't pull themselves away long enough to vote this time, or if they did, they didn't have time to pay any serious attention to what the stakes were in this election.