Notable Quotable: Anomymous

News Flash

This interesting quote was found scribbled on the inside cover of an old textbook. Who penned it remains a mystery. 

As we approach another election, it's something to think about. What do you think?

“In a democracy, the problems we face are not the doings of elected officials, they are the doings of people who elected those officials, those who ignored all the red flags—much like a homeowner sweeping piles of termite pellets under the carpet with little regard for the roof caving in.”

— Anonymous

Well Street

When enamored with a romantic interest, the emotional blinders can make the red flags easy to miss altogether. That is until hindsight and regret make them abundantly clear.

I think the same principle applies to candidates that a country's citizens are "over the moon" for. In their eyes, their candidate can do no wrong, say no wrong, or if wrongs were committed, they're easily minimized and swept under the carpet.

That said, whoever wrote this passage was likely a practiced observer of human behavior.


What an interesting find. In a few sentences, it says it all. When you see the termite pellets, you should be on alert. When the termite pellets mount up, it's now a problem that shouldn't be ignored. You wait too long, well then... it's too late. Thanks for finding the book and sharing this profound quote.