Are you lonesome tonight?



Even though Covid isn't at the forefront at the moment, I know people who still feel lonely. There's so much division now because of social and political differences that friends and family are pulling even further apart. Relationships you once had no longer exist.

It's a difficult time, but it ultimately falls back to us to be proactive to make our own lives better. It's one responsibility we can't delegate. Your tips are excellent examples of how to get on a new path. Thanks!


You're right about it being a responsibility we can't delegate. Often, people complain about their loneliness but show an unwillingness to do anything about it.

Well Street

Creating a daily to-do list during lockdown was impactful in feeling purposeful—productivity can lighten the weight of loneliness. I had no idea how effective Zoom and FaceTime calls would be in feeling less isolated and I'm still a big fan.

Thanks for sharing.


This was a thoughtful video. Loneliness was declared an epidemic nationally, especially in older Americans who no longer have a support system and connections through a workplace. They are also less likely to feel deeply connected since society migrated away from social time on the telephone to the less satisfying surface time on social media.

Pets, as you suggested, are a great way to feel the love and feel needed at the same time. It's an important topic to revisit during these challenging times. Thanks for sharing your insights!