Civic Center
Alexei Navalny Liberator, Freedom Champion

It takes courage to speak out against any powerful leader these days, but it takes a true liberator to challenge Russia’s Putin.
Alexei Navalny understood the risk. In the 2022 documentary “Navalny,” Alexei was asked what message he would leave behind should he be killed. His answer was to never give up. Quoting Edmund Burke, the 18th century politician, he said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
The lesson of Navalny’s murder should not be lost on us. When one man decides to hold onto power through corrupt and brute means, no good will come of it. As we have just witnessed, it defines the triumph of evil.
So what can we do to encourage our leaders to resist such evil? According to Michael McFaul, former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, we should pressure our leaders to immediately restore funding and support to Ukraine using Putin’s own hundreds of billions of dollars held in reserves and currently under sanction in global financial institutions.
In this interview, Ambassador McFaul, stunned by the news, shares his outrage over Navalny’s death.
Excellent and sad article. But also empowering. What can we do? What leaders can we encourage to do what's right? There is one man right now running the country. It's not the president. And despite his evil ways, he continues to have support and rule from behind the scenes. The damage being caused is dangerous and could end up very badly. I feel like our hands our tied against this corrupt dictator, dictating from behind the scenes. And what of the people allowing what's happening? Selfishly fearful of what they might lose. They are not concerned about our country, only about themselves. How can this be stopped? As for me, I am scared at what I'm seeing and hearing, and feel powerless to stop it. It's a train wreck!
I wish our "leaders" had even half of Navalny's courage. Instead, they're a bunch of spineless do-nothings.
Bless Navalny and his family.