Make it a point to be happy!


You're thinking, "Yeah, easier said than done."

And you're probably right. But there are things we can do to create a little happiness in our lives. It is possible. For instance, what are the first thoughts when you wake up in the morning? "Argh ... I have to wake up!" Or, "Yay ... I get to wake up."

Setting an intention first thing can change the whole outcome of your day.

I invite you to think and say something positive and gracious in nature upon awakening. For instance ... It's a beautiful day and I will be able to handle anything that comes my way. Or, I'm blessed to be able to get up, eat, and go to work.

We often take little things for granted, such as the ability to be able to shower and brush our teeth. Not everyone has that available to them.

So tomorrow, when you wake up, respond in kind. After all, YOU WOKE UP, when millions don't!

Present Valley

A timely reminder.
Thank you.
Yes I did wake up today and could
shower and brush my teeth and eat and pretty much do what I wanted in a safe space...for which I am


Always something for which to be grateful, no?

Well Street

What a healthy perspective to encourage positivity and optimism.

I like to practice gratitude for the "little things," —anything I would miss if taken away tomorrow like my healthy lungs and body, easily accessed food and water, and loving friends and family.


As do I. Sometimes, it's easy to forget when our focus shifts to a problem that will certainly be temporary.


It's so much easier to wake up with a positive outlook when you feel purposeful in your life. I never know what my day will bring, but I believe it will be nothing less that good, like seeing this wise lesson of yours posted. It's another great reminder of how much I have just in abilities alone. Thanks for posting!


You have an absolute purpose in this life. I can attest to that! Wake up every day and be proud of you! You're awesome!


That's a big vote of confidence. Thank you! ❤️


You are so right. Expressing gratitude when we first get up is a great way to have a more positive attitude throughout the day. Thanks for the "wake-up call."
