Civic Center
Only a fool tests ...

There is an African Proverb that goes like this: "Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet."
There are consequences for everything in life. Even a simple, but vicious look can result in a catastrophic situation. For example, let's say you're having a bad day. You're stuck in traffic, angry as all get out. Someone cuts you off and you think, "This is it! I've had it with these morons." Then you put on your ugliest, meanest face, and flip the guy who cut you off. Only thing is, you didn't know he was angry, too. Except he had a gun and wasn't afraid to use it.
You become a story on the Eleven-O-Clock news:
"Fatality on the 405 headed South today due to road rage."
We are responsible for what we do and say. We need to be aware that both our actions and our words can have a profound effect, one which can boomerang back to us in unexpected ways.
Be mindful of You; how you behave in this world. You are dealing with people and situations of which you may not have full knowledge.
If you are going to do or say something, do it with love and kindness because the consequences of those are the ones you want coming back at you.
You are so right. We're in a time where small infractions can get you into deep trouble, so it's advisable to always take the high road with your words. You'll feel better and stay safer by speaking words of kindness.
Absolutely! One can't go wrong with being kind and respectful, even if the one feels that the other person doesn't deserve it. At that point, it's just best to leave.
So true. But unfortunately some people don't believe they should take the high road—like students blaming Israel for Hamas' unconscionable and brutal actions. Now corporations don't want to hire them. What do we think about that?
Well Street
Years ago, my hand-to-hand combat instructor, one of the most lethal people I've known, told me he'd be the first to walk away from a fight.
He said there were few circumstances where bleeding, broken bones, or legal ramifications were worthwhile. Doing so also minimizes entanglement with the angry guy who's unafraid to use his gun.