Civic Center
Will We All Lose Our Humanity?

What enables one to go so irreparably dark within, corrupted, marred, their heart so disfigured with terminal hatred that every bit of humanity is unreachable? In prisons where terrorists are held captive indefinitely, there’s plenty of time to ask each one, but do their captors care to know or are they only interested in extracting names and locations of other terrorists still at large?
Experts believe that last week’s massacre was likely long in the planning with Hamas benefiting from strategic partners who made this kill smooth sailing—outsmarting Israel’s preeminent intelligence operations that supposedly track all known Hamas operatives secretly. But the aftermath revealed a savagery so fierce and detestable that one must conclude this was personal. You know, like when cops are aghast at a brutal murder scene where the victim was stabbed 312 times. Or when homegrown terrorists walk into a classroom and leave a scene so gruesome police officers are brought to their knees.
Anyone can read about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, now thousands of years old dating back to biblical times, and pick sides. But what gets me is that nobody has figured out how to overcome this perverted schism without the gory glory of more war. Of all the centuries’ marvels, innovations, and peace prizes that have advanced the condition of humanity, not one has resolved this. Is it because no one has yet figured out how to resolve the problem of hate?
I’ve been watching the news with its chorus of voices rising with words like “exterminate,” “it’s time to punish,” and “this was a mini-holocaust.” I’ve heard it said over and again that the death toll of this unspeakable crime “would be like America losing 40 thousand of its people.” I get it. Maybe they don’t know that we lost 33,781 lives to hatred and violence so far this year. In fact, America loses an average of 40,000 people to gun violence every year. On a personal level, not political, what’s the difference between hatred being meted out in one vicious, gut-wrenching, fell swoop or in barbaric spurts where eleven Jews are massacred in a synagogue? Do the victim’s families hurt any less?
Now I’m hearing our generals say there’s no easy way to eradicate Hamas without terminating a chunk of the population of Gaza which includes one million children. Let’s think about this for a moment. Are we going to applaud?
If so, then we’ve all lost our humanity.
There is no way for me to understand any of this. I was told that there is a Greek saying when attempting to do so. The translation is “it is written.”
In other words there is no rhyme or reason. Don’t try to make sense of the insensible. I’m sure they are referring to the Bible, but I can’t believe any of this has been planned.
Great comment!
Understanding a little something about quantum physics, I can see how the future is foreseeable and knowable in the realm of heaven. "It is written" likely doesn't mean God always has a hand in unfathomable events, only that God can see "inside the hearts of men," and knows what's coming.
I believe God permeates each and every one of us, but cannot always prevent us from doing evil since we've also been given the gift of free will. I also believe the voice of heaven lives within us to help us discern right from wrong from a place of love.
We make choices every day to follow the path of love or tune out and be pulled in another direction. We may even fall into the grip of a false god or evil leader. The question for any thoughtful leader now is, what is the right path to take during this crisis? This is where "praying for our leaders" makes its purpose clear.
Well Street
To your point about the terrorist captives being held for what may be the rest of their lives—so much information could likely be gathered about the terminal hate that drives their actions and potential steps to circumvent it.
The interest in collecting that information doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar.
Thank you for writing this piece. It's sad, painful, and disturbing but necessary to talk about.
Hate is a powerful sticking agent, cementing people together in a mass against a targeted "evil" population. It is a lever of war used to drive wedges, fracture, or annihilate that population out of existence, be it Jewish, Palestinian, Muslim, Christian, or Native Americans, etc. ad infinitum.
Those who are easily recruited into the mass are disaffected individuals with grievances of their own.
God speaks, but ears are closed to the Truth. So, we must keep speaking the Truth:
"And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is Love."
See Love, Hear Love, Speak Love.