DOUBT...The Silent Killer!


Client had a recent situation come up with her BF and it upset her enough that we needed to address it today. Her BF went to dinner with a friend of his who happens to be a woman. Client felt jealous and called the whole thing "weird" which put him on the defensive.

I explained about how calling his going out "weird" would put him on the defensive, and that just because something is different, doesn't make it weird. She finally understood.

They ended up having a good conversation about it and ironed things out.


Having a meal, especially dinner, with a friend of the opposite sex sets off alarm bells in a lot of people. It's good they talked it out. Hopefully, doubt was put to rest for good.


Yes, the doubt was cast aside. They grew up in very different worlds. He's a very friendly guy and it was a spontaneous dinner after a church event.


Jealous is one thing, suspicious is another.


True that. In this case, maybe a little bit of both.