Civic Center

A lot of people don't like change. They consider it scary. After all, when change comes, it often disrupts the safe little life that has been built. But as we all know, change comes, whether we like it or not. It's the one constant in life.
Think back to some of the times Change paid you a visit. In some cases, it was probably not only scary but maybe quite disruptive and painful. But continue thinking . . . after the dust settled, and Change became routine, what happened? Did you feel stronger? Were you happier? Did Change really prompt you to grow?
I would be willing to bet, Yes!
Change takes us on a wild ride, but when the ride is over, we end up someplace we never imagined; a place better than we could possibly have dreamed up for ourselves.
Present Valley
As you so beautifully describe, the wild ride of Change so many times has brought me to a place or an experience or a realization beyond what I could have imagined. One of these experiences includes the courage to post articles on Youtropolis.
Thank you for the reminder.
Well Street
I'm fond of the saying, "If you could bottle and sell that, then you could buy your own planet."
This applies to becoming comfortable with change, focusing on how it will likely be beneficial, and being optimistic about the growth it can bring.
My relationship with change, while better now than in the past, is still a work in progress.
Change is all there is. So by not becoming comfortable with change, we're not comfortable with life. And that's why we're here going through this journey--to live life. Change isn't always pleasant, but if we allow it to, it can move us forward.
I totally agree. And I also get that it doesn't necessarily feel good when you're in the midst of it, but the results can more than make the struggle worth it.