Civic Center
Could Your Life Be More Awesome?
Can you remember the last time you felt that pure sense of awe or wonder you easily experienced as a child?
Moments of awe can take our breath away, bring tears to our eyes, trigger chills up our spine, or even rekindle our faith in the greater Divine. No wonder awe has become a growing area of scientific study. So far, we’ve learned that awesome experiences can lead to better health and expand our generosity.
Any time we experience a moment of deep appreciation, or feel we are in the midst of something magnificent or sublime, we are experiencing a moment of awe. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could trigger these feelings at will? According to Dacher Keltner, director of the Greater Good Science Center, research is zeroing in on how to cultivate more awesomeness in our everyday lives.
So how much awe do you experience in your life? You can find out by taking the quiz here.
Well Street
I knew the answer before taking the quiz. It confirmed that while I appreciate and am affected by the awe-inspiring, there's a deficit of such times in my life.
Perhaps that will change.
Hopefully, more awe-inspiring experiences will find their way to you.
Present Valley
I am so pleased to see this quiz. I'm a big fan of Dacher and the Greater Good community.
I am so in awe of life and the privilege and opportunity to be alive at this time.
That's a beautiful thing to say, and an awesome way to feel!