Civic Center
Weigh in with the scales of justice

I am a man of few means. But I have a wish for any person, but especially men who suffer from guilt. You see, I know there’s lots of troubled people out there who have wronged others. I believe that what goes ‘round, comes ‘round, and you get to decide if what comes ‘round will cause you suffering or make you happy.
People say they don’t know when they’ve wronged someone. Sometimes they say they just did what the loser had coming. But deep down everyone gets warned before they take some brute action. Some sort of angel’s on their shoulder saying, uh-uh, don’t do it, no matter what’s egging you on.
Whatever that voice is, angel or not, it knows the trouble that will come from doing harm, even if you’re never caught by the system. Trust me, that voice will never leave you in peace until you fix the mess you’ve made.
Now how to fix things. If you can’t set things right with those you hurt because they’re gone, you gotta set it right some other way or you’ll go to your grave a sorry ass. There’s nothing sorrier than a pitiful man who’s filled with regret over his actions, even if he’s gotten off scot-free. Such a man’s yet to tip the scales of justice back to good stead. So that’s the first thing in fixing the mess. He’s got to want it badly and do whatever it takes.
What it takes is truth first and foremost. Admitting to yourself the mess you created. Stop pretending you had justifiable reasons. Stop pretending you were provoked into going off the rails.
Two, stop saying there’s nothing to be done because what’s done is done. Things don’t work like that. What gets this fixed is being a better person. Plain and simple. You know the difference between jerk and gentleman. Be a real gentleman instead of a fake one. Be a worthwhile human in the smallest of ways until you get the hang of it and feel the joy and appreciation that comes from it. Eventually the jerk that controlled you will fade away into oblivion.
Then once you got a nicer side operating freely within you, you can take a look at the good that’s happening on account of you. You can say, I made a difference in a positive way. And just keep making a difference. Now the scales of justice are tipping in your favor.
So see it’s not impossible to be free of your past once you remedy it, like cutting out the bad part of an apple. So summed up, my wish for you is to behave in a grand way so at the end of your journey on earth you’re squared up with the scales of justice and you can rest in peace.
Well Street
I like your simple recipe for being a better person: being genuine, atone for misdeeds by owning up to them, and taking positively impactful actions.
This takes courage and diligence, but it's far better than a life filled with regret and self-loathing.
I don't know how I missed this when it was first posted, but it's a straightforward recipe for making amends and going forward as a better person. This deserves reposting; thank you Wilson.
Excellent article! Thank you so much for reposting!!!
One of the most thoughtful wishes I've read. Thanks for reposting!