Civic Center
Your Own Resurrection

For most people, Easter is now behind them, but for Christians of the Orthodox faith, Easter will be celebrated this coming Sunday. Why two Easters? Orthodox Christians follow the Julian calendar which was established by Julius Caesar in 45 BC, while all other Christians follow the Gregorian calendar which was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.
Whichever Easter you follow, the Resurrection can be a time to contemplate Jesus’ ascent and message of transformation that we can all apply to our own lives. Just as he rose past the limitations and pain of the physical world into the realm of the spirit, we too can move beyond our past mistakes and suffering to a fresh new start on Easter day.
Celebrating Easter with its fond and joyful traditions is certainly a welcome break from the chaos and travails of the world. But I believe the rituals of Easter themselves can fortify our own power to rise above the crosses we bear. Whether you celebrated Easter last week or will celebrate it this week, Fort Biblio wishes you and your loved ones the ongoing gifts of personal regeneration and liberation.
This is a beautiful sentiment. I will use it as a reminder that I can begin anew any time I choose. Thank you.