Civic Center
Healing light and prayers needed!

Our co-founder, Mark, who makes youtropolis work smoothly and efficiently has come down with Covid. Please send him some love to help him heal quickly.
If you've never met Mark, he's an amazing, brilliant, and generous human being who deserves everyone's love. Please help him out by adding your love and well wishes by responding below.
Thank you and stay well out there!
Hi Mark, I'm sending you tons of ❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️Take good care and feel better soon!!
Well Street
Hey Mark,
I’m very sorry you’ve been hit with C19.
I’m hoping you return to full health asap
Love and prayers..
June in December
Mark, I'm very sorry to hear that you caught the Coronavirus. I hope you really rest well and get better soon. 🌞
Present Valley
Hi Mark...I am a little behind in hearing about you having Covid. I am so sorry that you are experiencing it.
Adding my thoughts, along with other well wishers, for a quick recovery, decreased symptoms and return of your energy so you can spend your days doing what makes your heart sing.
Take care!
Hey Mark! Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. Lots of white healing light being sent your way! 🙏💜💐
Thank you so much for your well-wishes everyone! They must have worked because I'm doing much better today and I expect to be back to my usual self soon.
- Mark
Take care of yourself Mark and let other care for. You will heal and be stronger. Don’t rush it though. Let your inner self be your guide