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Laughing is good

Maybe youre not the funniest person
who ever lived, but here's your chance
to be a real clown and amuse your tribe.

Post jokes, cat videos, clever memes,
humorous cartoons or whatever hits
your funny bone. Everyone can use
some belly laughs these days–and you'll
keep your Municipal Fund growing!
Wed, 02/19/2025

Coffee house fun

It's a good thing my local coffee shop isn't as fun as this one, or I'd always be there!…

There's no denying it...
Fri, 12/20/2024

There's no denying it...

No DNA test required on these two.

Fri, 11/22/2024

Fantastic Funnies

Fun with animals just being themselves…

Fri, 10/11/2024

Alpha or beta?

Whether you love cats or prefer dogs, these images make a point about who the alpha is.…

Fascinating geometrical cats
Wed, 10/09/2024

Fascinating geometrical cats

Have you seen a square cat? How about a round cat? Here's a collection of geometrical kitties that's fascinating and fun!…

Exhausted mama dog lets kitty take over
Wed, 09/18/2024

Exhausted mama dog lets kitty take over

Nice kitty cat pal takes over the whining pup while Mama dog takes a break. Now that's a real friend…

Time for tea
Tue, 08/20/2024

Time for tea

Oh dear, trouble in the kitchen and elsewhere…

Childless cat ladies and the weakening of the USA
Wed, 07/24/2024

Childless cat ladies and the weakening of the USA

"Childless cat ladies" may not be the" real problem with the USA. It might just be those "crazy cat men" who choose to stay home and cuddle with…

The latest addition to Olympics competition
Mon, 07/15/2024

The latest addition to Olympics competition

This will be hard to beat...

Did you think your cat's weird?
Sat, 06/29/2024

Did you think your cat's weird?

Well, take a look at this funny, crazy cat. She may be weird, but she's very loveable…

Even Pets Have Their Bad Days
Wed, 06/26/2024

Even Pets Have Their Bad Days

A little humor to get you through the rest of your week. A word of caution: the music is annoying so I turned off the sound…

Manic Monday
Mon, 06/10/2024

Manic Monday

Mondays can be hectic, even crazy. Here's a little something you can chill with and hopefully give you some smiles.…

Puppies are a headache
Mon, 04/29/2024

Puppies are a headache

My friend has puppies now, but the cat isn't warming up to them. They give her a big headache, and she's more than ready for them to go…

Tue, 04/16/2024

Parent immerses cat in an enrichment opportunity

Spoiled cat gets the full spa treatment and beyond…

Sun, 04/07/2024

When mom calls...

When I was a kid, and my mom called me to come in from playing outside, I came running. These "kids" also come running when mama calls, and it's…

Who controls who?
Fri, 03/22/2024

Who controls who?

Yep, definitely not far from the truth. I had a good laugh…

Friday on the farm
Fri, 01/26/2024

Friday on the farm

Cats make themselves at home wherever they are. The farm is a favorite place for this kitty with her friend.

Playing with a friend
Tue, 01/16/2024

Playing with a friend

This pup looks kinda like me. I'm going to ask my mom for a playmate like this one. We could have so much fun…

Grabbing everyone's attention
Tue, 01/09/2024

Grabbing everyone's attention

People say dogs always want attention. Maybe we do. But, just look at this cat's attention-grabbing display. Shameless!…

50 Fun Tweets About Cats and Dogs
Thu, 12/28/2023

50 Fun Tweets About Cats and Dogs

Time for a little levity. Huffpost curated some hilarious tweets about cats and dogs. I'm sharing their amusement ride because everyone can use…

Cat people beware!
Sat, 12/23/2023

Cat people beware!

Your cat may have a lot more planned than just climbing the Christmas tree...

The cat's tale
Thu, 12/14/2023

The cat's tale

And now we know all there is to know...

Acrobatic cat stops a New York Yankees game
Wed, 10/11/2023

Acrobatic cat stops a New York Yankees game

This frisky cat had security practically doing flips to get it off the field. The players and fans loved it 😀😀😀…

She Who Rules Over Me
Tue, 09/19/2023

She Who Rules Over Me

A black cat thinks she should be living in this house. She thinks it's hers and doesn't understand why I don't allow her in. She stares at me with…

Smart kitty gets rewarded
Mon, 08/07/2023

Smart kitty gets rewarded

Nothing better than learning a trick and receiving a tasty reward…

How dogs think...
Sat, 05/20/2023

How dogs think...

... vs how cats think.

Tue, 05/09/2023

Hey, that's my bed!

You just can't trust those darned cats…

Sat, 12/31/2022

Are cats supposed to do this??

I've never owned a cat, but this is highly unusual, yes?…

Thu, 09/15/2022

Sweet and patient

This guy is so mellow. The perfect companion for the youngsters…

Thu, 08/18/2022

Private kitty convo...

Catching up on the latest neighborhood happenings…

Mon, 04/25/2022


What would humanity accomplish if we all had the courage and tenacity of cats?…

Thu, 03/31/2022

If at first you don’t succeed…

Try, try again. It will pay off!…

Thu, 02/10/2022

Farm love...

This mama loves all the farm babies; fur and feathers alike…